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Dear customer,
Dear fellow-modeller,
: that’s the name of the new system from MULTIPLEX. We have used
this name before, on a transmitter which we introduced in 1985, but the new Cock-
pit is not comparable in any way with the earlier version. The new transmitter in-
corporates micro-processor technology, and it is this which provides its wide-
ranging facilities and operating convenience. The new system features many inter-
esting and useful innovations which modellers could hardly have imagined at the
time of the earlier Cockpit:
’s primary features:
7 channels, PPM transmission
9 model memories with copy function
Suitable for fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and vehicles
Simple programming based on a 3D digi-adjustor and 2-line
LCD screen with up to 11 symbols
Digital trims with trim memory
Programmable servo reverse, centre, and end-points (both directions) for all 7
channels (3-point curve)
9 mixers for fixed-wing model aircraft: combi-switch, aileron differential,
V-tail mixer, delta mixer, flaperon mixer, spoileron with aileron differential sup-
pression, 3 x elevator trim compensation for motor, control E (flap), and control
F (spoiler)
3 mixers for helicopters
„MOTOR OFF“ switch as emergency motor stop
Choice of 8 primary control configurations (stick modes)
Switchable reduced travels (Dual Rates) for 3 channels
Expo for 3 channels
Stopwatch, operating hours timer
The name „Cockpit“ is also intended to reflect the aim which we kept in mind all the
time when developing this system:
„Just as in a ‘full-scale’ cockpit, the model pilot should be able
to reach and control all the essentials quickly and easily.“
And the „MM“? Quite simple: MM is two thousand in Roman numerals, and we use it
to show that the Cockpit is our contribution to the theme of the new millennium.
Please read right through these instructions carefully before you use your new RC
system for the first time. This will help you to get to know the COCKPIT MM’s fea-
tures quickly, so that you can exploit its many facilities to the full.
We hope you have many hours of fun and pleasure with your new system.
Yours the MULTIPLEX team

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Andere handleiding(en) van Multiplex Cockpit MM

Multiplex Cockpit MM Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 48 pagina's

Multiplex Cockpit MM Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 48 pagina's

Multiplex Cockpit MM Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 48 pagina's

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