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The frequency bands available for radio controlled models are 26.960 to 27.280
MHz General use, 34.995 to 35.255 MHz (Channels 60 - 85 incl.) Air only, 40.665 to
40.955 MHz (Channels 50 - 79 incl.) Surface only
, and 458.500 to 459.500 MHz
General. Since the 26/27 MHz band is also allocated for Citizens Band radio and
other users, and the 458/459 MHz band is also available for use by telemetry and
other equipment, radio controlled models are generally operated on the 34/35 MHz
band (usually known simply as „35 MHz“) and the 40 MHz band.
As of 1 January 1981 model control equipment was exempted from the licensing
requirements of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949. This simply means that no li-
cence is required to operate RC equipment in the U.K. If you need further informa-
tion please contact:
The Low Power Radio Section, Radio communications Agency
Room 712, Waterloo Bridge House, Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UA
12.2. Range check
The range check is an important routine which makes a significant contribution to
the operational security of your model. On the basis of our experience and technical
measurements we have designed a test procedure which will always keep you on
the safe side.
1. Collapse the transmitter aerial completely and hold the transmitter horizontally
about 1 m above the ground.
2. Ask a friend to hold the model about 1 m above the ground.
3. Ensure that there are no large metal objects (cars, wire fence etc.) in the vicinity.
4. Check that there are no other transmitters switched on (even if they are on
other channels). The test will not give reliable results otherwise.
5. Switch on the transmitter, then the receiver. Walk away from the model to a
distance of 80 m, and check that the control surfaces respond clearly and accu-
rately to the stick commands, and do not make any unexpected movements.
If your model is powered, carry out the test with the motor stopped, then repeat it
with the motor running.
You may be able to improve the maximum range as follows:
1. Carry out a range check as described above.
2. With the transmitter aerial still collapsed increase the distance between trans-
mitter and receiver until the servos begin to jitter, and no longer respond 100%
to your commands.
3. Now try altering the installation of the receiving system (concentrating on the
aerial installation in particular) until you achieve the best possible range (see
11.: Installing the receiving system in the model).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Multiplex Cockpit MM

Multiplex Cockpit MM Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 48 pagina's

Multiplex Cockpit MM Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 48 pagina's

Multiplex Cockpit MM Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 48 pagina's

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