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How diagnosis mode works:
a. Connect the transmitter to the model using the
diagnosis lead, and switch the transmitter on. The
message DSC (Direct Signal Control) should flash
on the screen.
b. Switch the model on, and
press the 3-D digi-adjustor briefly r.
You can now use the various menus to make any ad-
justments you like at your transmitter, and check their
effect on the model without radiating an RF signal (LED
glows constantly).
22.2. PC interface for flight simulator
The COCKPIT SX can be used directly, without further
expansion, as a controller for many flight simulators.
The manufacturers of flight simulators offer special
interface leads for MULTIPLEX transmitters.
If you have questions on this, please contact the simu-
lator manufacturer in the first instance.
Free model flying simulator on the
The USB interface lead required for use with this simu-
lator is available from model shops under the Order No.
# 8 5153.
23. Care and maintenance
The transmitter requires no particular maintenance.
However, we strongly recommend that you have it
checked at regular intervals by an authorised MULTI-
PLEX Service Centre; this should be carried out every
two or three years. Regular function checks and range
checks (Î 3.2.) are, of course, mandatory.
The best method of removing dirt and dust is to use a
clean paintbrush. Stubborn soiling - especially grease
and oil - should be removed with a damp cloth, used
with a mild household cleaner if necessary. On no ac-
count use powerful cleaning agents such as white spirit
or solvent-based cleaners!
Avoid subjecting the transmitter to shock and pressure
loads. The unit should be stored and transported only
in a suitable container (transmitter case or bag).
Check the transmitter case, mechanical parts and -
especially - the wiring and contacts at regular intervals.
! Switch the transmitter off before opening the
case, and disconnect the battery before carry-
ing out any internal work. Avoid touching elec-
trical and electronic components and circuit
24. Disposal
Electrical equipment which bears the cancelled
refuse bin symbol must not be discarded in the
ordinary domestic waste. It should always be
taken to a suitable specialist disposal centre.
In the countries of the EU (European Union),
electrical devices must not be discarded via the domes-
tic waste system (WEEE - Waste of Electrical and Elec-
tronic Equipment, Directive 2002/96/EG). You can take
your unwanted equipment to your local authority collec-
tion point (e.g. recycling centre), where the staff will
dispose of it in the appropriate manner at no charge to
You can make an important contribution to the protec-
tion of our environment by returning your unwanted
equipment in this way!
25. Advice / Service
We have taken great trouble to produce these Operat-
ing Instructions in such a way that you can find an an-
swer to any question quickly and easily. However, if
you have a query about your C
OCKPIT SX, please ask
for advice from your local model shop, where the staff
will be glad to help and support you.
You can find the addresses of our Service partners on
our Internet website:

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Andere handleiding(en) van Multiplex COCKPIT SX

Multiplex COCKPIT SX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Multiplex COCKPIT SX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 149 pagina's

Multiplex COCKPIT SX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 83 pagina's

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