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2. Connect the Teacher and Pupil transmitters
Locate the plug marked TEACHER and connect it
to the multi-function socket of the C
Locate the plug marked PUPIL and connect it to the
multi-function socket of the Pupil transmitter.
3. Switch the Teacher transmitter on
Switch on C
OCKPIT SX (Teacher transmitter) only.
Î Both transmitters start working.
Exception: PROFI mc 4000
The PROFI mc 4000 must be switched on using its
own switch. In the interests of safety we recom-
mend that you remove the RF module!
4. Activate PUPIL mode at the Pupil transmitter -
if the transmitter offers this facility Î refer to
the instructions supplied with the Pupil trans-
mitter. If you are using a C
ROYALevo, select PUPIL or Pupil.
Reduced operating time for the Teacher transmitter
As the ON / OFF switch on the Pupil transmitter is at
the OFF position, both transmitters are powered from
the Teacher battery. Please note that this reduces the
operating time of the Teacher transmitter.
20.3.2. Activate TEACHER mode
Menu: (
Moving to the LEHRER menu:
4 to MENU, r (SETUP appears),
r (MODEL appears), 3 to TEACHR,
r (0 or1 appears), r
The current LEHRER setting flashes in the bottom line:
0 = normal mode
1 = LEHRER mode activated
Select 1, then press the 3-D digi-adjustor briefly r. The
flashing ceases. The selected setting is activated and
Note: FIX button does not work
As soon as you activate TEACHER mode, the left-hand
button can only be used to transfer control to the Pupil.
The FIX function (fixed values for AILERON, ELEVA-
TOR and RUDDER in the model types GLIDER and
ACRO) cannot be used.
20.3.3. Matching centre settings
Menu: (
! Leave the model switched off at this stage!
In this step you adjust the centre settings of the Pupil
transmitter’s control signals to match those of the
Teacher transmitter.
This avoids sudden changes in the control surface
positions when the Teacher switches to the Pupil
transmitter (TEACHER button pressed). Such devia-
tions may occur with centre settings, particularly with
older Pupil transmitters, or those with mechanical trims.
Moving to the ANPASS menu:
4 to MENU, r (SETUP appears),
r (MODEL appears), 3 to TEACHR,
r 3 to ADAPT
Now move all the transmitter controls (sticks incl. throt-
tle, sliders and rotary potentiometers) to centre on the
Teacher and
Pupil transmitters.
Press the 3-D digi-adjustor briefly r to activate the
matching process. MATCH flashes on the screen.
A further brief press r on the 3-D digi-adjustor con-
cludes the matching process. The flashing ceases. The
values are stored, and you are returned to the MATCH
If you now turn the 3-D digi-adjustor one click to the
right 3, you can continue with assigning the functions
(Î 20.3.4.).
20.3.4. Assigning transmitter controls to the Pupil
Menu: (
! Leave the model switched off at this stage!
Note: the Teacher and Pupil transmitters must be
If no Pupil transmitter is connected,
the COCKPIT SX remains at this
menu: Î
This is the assigning procedure:
! Move all the controls on the Teacher and
transmitters to centre (sticks incl. throttle, slid-
ers, rotary potentiometers).
Moving to the ASSIGN menu:
4 to MENU, r (SETUP appears),
r (MODEL appears), 3 to TEACHR,
r (1 must appear)
If 0 appears, Teacher mode is not yet activated
(Î 20.3.2.). In this case assigning is not possible.
3 to ASSIGN r
Check assignments with After Quick-Select
the 3-D digi-adjustor for Aileron

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Andere handleiding(en) van Multiplex COCKPIT SX

Multiplex COCKPIT SX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Multiplex COCKPIT SX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 149 pagina's

Multiplex COCKPIT SX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 83 pagina's

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