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- Before using your new appliance
for the first time, you should wash
the blender jug in hot, soapy water.
Rinse and dry with care.
- Important notes :
- Position the selector (b) to the set-
ting " O " before placing the blen-
der jug on the motor unit.
- The appliance will only start if the
blender jug is correctly positioned on
the motor unit.
- Dampen the seal of the blade unit
- Place the blade unit (d3) in the jug
(d2) and fix it in position by turning
until it locks (1).
- Position the blender jug (d) on the
motor unit (a) (2).
- Put all the ingredients into the jug
without going over the maximum level
(1,2 l). For a smoother mixture, put
the liquid ingredients in first and run
the blender for a moment before put-
ting in the solid ingredients.
- Place the lid (d1) on the jug and lock
it in position (3).To make locking
easier, dampen the integral seal on
the lid.The lid must always be in
place when the appliance is in opera-
- Plug in the appliance.
- Set the speed, using the selector (b).
-To stop the appliance, turn the selec-
tor (b) back to position " O ".
Getting started
Using the blender
Tips :
- Speed 1 : to start liquid preparations.
- Speed 2 : to blend preparations.
- Pulse : instant speed obtained by
successive movements of the selec-
tor (b) in the " Pulse " setting." Pulse
" position allows you to process hard
ingredients and to give a final touch
to your preparation.
- For liquid preparations, cover the bla-
des (d3) to avoid splashes in the
interior of the jug and to facilitate the
blending of the ingredients.
- For thick mixtures, you can always
stop the appliance during preparation
to push the ingredients back down
onto the blades.
- Do not use continuously for more
than 1 1/2 mns..
Ice Crushing
- Put some ice cubes into the jug.
- Push by impulse on the " Ice Crusher
" button.
- Unplug the appliance.
- The blender jug will go in the dish-
washer. Rinse and dry each part well.
- Clean the motor unit (a) using a
damp cloth.Dry with care.
- Never place the motor unit in water or
under running water.
- The plastic base of the glass jug (d2)
cannot be removed.
- Handle blades with great care. They
can cause injury.
- Over time the strong coloured natural
juices from food such as carrots and
beetroot may stain the plastic parts of
your appliance - this is normal.
- This parts may be cleaned by soa-
king them in mild bleach (non abrasi-
ve) straight after use.

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