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Thank you for choosing an appliance
from the MOULINEX range, which is
intended to make life easier for you
when preparing food.
a Motor unit
b Speed selector (0/1/2/Pulse)
c Cord winder
d Blender jug
d1 Lid with pusher-stopper
d2 Glass jug
d3 Blade unit
- Read the instructions for use careful-
ly before using your appliance for the
first time and retain them for future
reference :any use which does not
conform to these instructions will
absolve MOULINEX from any liability.
- Never leave the appliance within
reach of children without supervision.
The use of this appliance by young
children or disabled persons must be
supervised at all times.
- Check that the power rating of your
appliance matches that of your elec-
trical system.
- This appliance complies with the
requirements of the EEC Directives
89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC.
- This product has been designed for
domestic use only. Any commercial
use, inappropriate use or failure to
comply with instructions, the manu-
facturer accepts no responsibility and
the guarantee will not apply.
- Unplug your appliance as soon as
you have finished using it and when
you are cleaning it or in the event of
a power failure.
- Do not use your appliance if it is not
working correctly or if it has been
damaged.If this happens, please
contact an approved MOULINEX ser-
vice centre (see list in the service booklet).
Safety instructions
- Any connection error will invalidate
the guarantee.
- Any intervention other than cleaning
and normal maintenance by the cus-
tomer must be carried out by an
approved MOULINEX service centre.
- Never place the appliance, the power
cord or the plug in water or in any
other liquid.
- Never allow the power cord to hang
down within reach of children.
- The power cord must never be close
to or in contact with the hot parts of
your appliance, close to a source of
heat or resting on a sharp edge.
- If the power cord or the plug are
damaged, do not use the appliance.
To avoid any risk, these must be
replaced by an approved MOULINEX
service centre (see list in the service
- For your own safety, you should use
only the MOULINEX accessories and
spare parts which are suitable for
your appliance.
- All appliances are subject to strict quali-
ty control. P ractical user tests are per-
fo rmed with appliances selected at ra n-
dom, which explains any slight signs of
u s e .
- Handle the blades with great care.
They can cause injury.
-Do not let long hair, scarve s , ties, etc.h a n g
over accessories when in opera t i o n .
- Use your appliance on a flat, clean
and dry surface.
- Do not put your fingers or any other
object inside the blender jug while in use.
- Never run the appliance empty or
with dry products only and never pour
boiling liquids into it.
- Always use the blender jug with the
lid in place.
- Do not use continuously for more
than 1 1/2 mns.Wait for a few
minutes before starting the appliance

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