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To ensure continued efficient operation of the appli-
ance, it is recommended that it is checked and serv-
iced as necessary at regular intervals. The frequen-
cy of servicing will depend upon the particular instal-
lation conditions and usage but in general once a
year should be adequate.
It is the law that any service work must be carried out
by competent gas registered engineer.
Before commencing any service operation, ISOLATE
the mains electric supply, and TURN OFF the gas
supply at the main service cock. Service the appli-
ance by following the full procedure detailed below.
* Distance at the side
The minimum distance necessary for carrying out
maintenance operations, is 5 mm
* Distance at the top
The minimum distance necessary for carrying out
maintenance operations, is 200mm
* Distance at the bottom
The minimum distance necessary for carrying out
maintenance operations, is 250 mm.
* Distance at the front
The minimum distance necessary for access during
maintenance operations, is 250mm, although this
distance may be reduced to 5 mm, as long as a door
is installed which can be removed when it comes to
carrying out maintenance work.
The cover is held in place by four spring clips and can
be removed by grasping it at the top and pulling for-
ward sharply to release.
Further access can be gained by removing the con-
trol panel. (Four screws), and moving down the elec-
tronic box.
6.5.5 Appliance safety lock-out
If the boiler develops a fault the red LED will illumi-
nate and the digital display shows the relevant fault
code; see p19.
To restart the boiler Set the main control on the
position and then turn it back to the chosen position.
The red LED should go out.
IMPORTANT: Whenever the boiler has been left idle
for any length of time, or when a new gas bottle is
installed (propane models), the appliance may switch
off due to the presence of air in the pipes. In cases
such as these, the main control switch may be turned
to position several times until all the air is
- Re-light and test for gas soundness
- Set the C.H. and D.H.W. temperature selectors to
the required settings.
- Ensure that the time clock and/or room stat (if fit-
ted) are set to the required setting (s).
Upon completion of testing the system, the installer
- Give the 'users Instructions' to the owner and
emphasise their responsibilities under the "Gas
Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998"
- Explain and demonstrate the lighting and shut
down procedures.
- Advise the owner on the efficient use of the system,
including the use and adjustment of all system con-
trols for both D.H.W. and C.H.
- Advise the user of the precautions necessary to
prevent damage to the system, and to the building, in
the event of the system remaining inoperative during
frost conditions.
- Explain the function of the boiler lock-out devices,
and how to reset it. Emphasise that if cut - out per-
sists, the boiler should be turned off and the installer
or service engineer consulted.
- Stress the importance of an annual service by a
competent gas registered engineer.

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  • Ik heb een morco cv feb 24 ed nu wil ik er een thermostaat opzetten kunnen jullie mij vertellen hoe de aansluiting moet.
    Graag een mail naar henkbolt@hotmail.com
    Gr henk Gesteld op 16-5-2021 om 16:13

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  • ik ben in het bezit van een morco feb-24ed deze is ingebouwd in een Engelse stacaravan het probleem is als ik warm water wil hebben dit lauw is maar de verwarming radiator dan ook warm wordt terwijl deze uit staat.
    Het is bijna onmogelijk er een monteur bij te krijgen want ze weten hoe en wat dus komen ze niet eens.
    Mijn vraag is wie kent dit probleem ook en weet een monteur die er ervaring mee heeft in de regio Arnhem /Nijmegen en waar eve3ntuele onderdelen verkrijgbaar zijn. Bij voorbaat dank C.Trommel Gesteld op 28-4-2021 om 11:08

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