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Making drinks
Danger of burning and scalding
on the dispensing spouts.
The liquids and steam dispensed are
very hot and can cause scalding.
Keep well away from the area
underneath the spouts when hot
liquids and steam are being
Do not touch hot components.
Making coffee with and
without milk
The following drinks can be made:
Ristretto is a strong, concentrated
espresso. It is prepared with the
same amount of coffee as for an
espresso but with a lot less water.
Espresso is a strong aromatic coffee
with a thick hazelnut brown coloured
froth – known as the crema – on top.
We recommend using espresso-
roasted coffee beans to make an
Coffee differs from espresso by the
increased amount of water and the
roast of the beans.
We recommend using coffee beans
of the correct roast to make the
Long coffee is a coffee with
considerably more water.
Long black. This is made with hot
water and two shots of espresso.
Caffè Americano consists of
espresso and hot water. The
espresso is made first, then the hot
water is dispensed into the cup.
Cappuccinoconsists of approx.
2thirds milk froth and 1third
Latte macchiato consists of 1third
each of hot milk, milk froth and
Caffè latte consists of espresso and
hot milk.
Cappuccino italiano has the same
proportions of milk froth and
espresso as a cappuccino. The
difference is that the espresso is
added first and then the milk froth.
Espresso macchiato is an espresso
with a small amount of milk froth on
Flat white is a special variety of
cappuccino that contains
significantly more espresso than milk
froth for an intensive coffee aroma.
Café au lait. This is an espresso with
slightly hotter milk.
Hot milk or milk froth can also be

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Andere handleiding(en) van Miele CVA 7445

Miele CVA 7445 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Miele CVA 7445 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 96 pagina's

Miele CVA 7445 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Miele CVA 7445 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 96 pagina's

Miele CVA 7445 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 92 pagina's

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