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Do not fill water into the coffee maker when it is still hot as it could be dangerous or cause
Always switch off after use. Unplug when the appliance is unsupervised and not in use
for longer term, also unplug before cleaning.
Do not leave residual water in the water tank to avoid lime stone.
Lime must be removed regularly, at least once per month. Use commercial liquid lime solvent
only and follow the instructions stated on the package. The guarantee is not valid for defects
caused by lime deposits.
Caution danger of electric shock! Never immerse the appliance into water.
Always disconnect the appliance from power supply before cleaning to avoid risk of
electrical shock.
Just wipe the housing with a damp cloth. Thermo jug, lid, removable filter holder and filter
can be cleaned with warm water, some washing-liquid and a soft brush . After cleaning
rinse with clean water and dry. The removable filter holder. Open the filter holder and lift
up a little. Then the filter holder will release and can be removed easily.
Do not use sharp objects for cleaning the appliance to avoid destroying the sensitive
surface. Do not use strong detergents to clean.
If not in use the cord can be placed inside of the water tank to safe space.
Do not store the appliance next to a heating element to avoid damage.
Store the unit in a dry place where it is protected from heat, humidity, dust,
falling down. Store the unit unapproachable for small children.
Technical data
220-240V~ 50Hz 800 W
This appliance is tested according to GS regulations and built to CE regulations.
How to repair
Item does not operate
Item is switched off
item is not connected to
the mains outlet
Set switch to ON
Connect the plug to the
mains socket
Brewing time increases
Item is calcified
Decalcify the unit
Steam appears more
than usual
Item is calcifiedt
Decalcify the unit
Operating noise
Unit is calcified
Decalcify the unit

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