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Before the first use
Caution: Never use the appliance near hot surfaces and keep the cord away from heat
resources to avoid damage.
Place the appliance on a dry, stable and flat working place next to a power socket.
Run the cable in a way that nobody can pull on it or stumble over it.
See the description on page 2 first to get familiar with the appliance.
Before making coffee for the first time it is advisable to let the water run through 2 - 3 times without
using coffee. Then clean filter and jug. The special smell from new appliances and production
residues will be removed then.
Preparing coffee
Preparation: Before switching on the appliance, open the lid and pour the desired volume
of water into the water tank. Always take fresh, cold water never take hot water to fill the tank.
The amount of cups can be read on water level indicator at the water tank.
Only fill water up to the MAX marking, not more.
Place the thermo jug under the filter arrangement with fully and firmly closed lid. Push the
small lever at the lid of the thermo jug slightly downward. This allows to put the thermo jug
under the filter holder easily. For maximum heat retention, rinse the thermo jug with hot
water. The thermo jug has a drip-through-lid. Close the lid firmly, the handle of the thermo
jug and the lever of the lid must be parallel. Always place the thermo jug on the appliance
under the filter unit before you switch on the appliance!
Open the filter unit. Insert the permanent filter (or paper filter 1 x4 is also possible) and fill
in the desired quantity of ground coffee. Close the lid.
Connect to power source, 12:00 will show on display.
Press ON/OFF button once, the green indicator is illuminated. Press ON/AUTO /OFF
button again, the red indicator is illuminated and coffee brewing will start. After some
seconds, hot coffee will drop out automatically.
If you press the ON/OFF button again (third time), the red indicator goes out and the coffee
maker stops working.
After brewing is finished and hot coffee has stopped dripping, you can empty the jugs and
clean them.
CAUTION! Never operate the appliance without the provided thermo jug!
The appliance automatically switches off after ending the brewing process!
To interrupt the brewing process, it is also possible to switch manually into “0FF” position.
After brewing is finished:
Remove the thermo jug. Push slightly down the lever at the lid of the thermo jar, this
makes removing easier.
For pouring coffee, slightly push the lever (button) at the lid of the thermo jug.
Keeping warm: The rest of the coffee keeps warm in the double-wall thermo jug for a long
time if the lid is closed. The warming plate of the appliance gets warmed passively during the
brewing process. Rest heat of the warming plate will warm the bottom of the thermo jug
for a while. The warming plate will not re-heat.
Fill cold water only into the water compartment. Do not pour milk or ready-made beverages
into the water compartment to avoid staining and damage.
Switch off the appliance and let it cool down for minimum 5 minutes before reusing.

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