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Thank you for choosing a Meliconi remote control.
The Universal 5 web remote control is ideal for replacing up to 5 remote controls for TV - SAT (satellite decoder)
- TER (Digital Terrestrial decoder) - DVD (Dvd player and Blu Ray) – PVR (Personal Video Recorder, Media
Center and VCR). Moreover, thanks to its AUDIO UPDATE function, the device can also be connected to a PC
via the cable supplied in order to download the information required to con gure it. The Universal 5 web remote
control also has a LEARN function so it can learn any original remote control signals not yet inserted in the
databank, as well as allowing secondary functions to be acquired and saved on the F1 - F2 - F3 - F4 function
keys or on any other button on the keypad. The remote control has a non-volatile memory, meaning that it does
not lose its settings even if there are no batteries in it. Its ergonomic shape and soft rubber body make it easy to
grip and protect the remote control if it is knocked or dropped.
IMPORTANT: The remote control must not be exposed to excessive heat sources.
The functions of the buttons described below are available only if they are on your original device.
Volume control +/–
TELETEXT buttons
ON/OFF switches the device OFF and
in some cases ON
Numeric keypad
Con rm selection
MUTE turns sound OFF and ON
For selecting an external
input source
For selecting the next programme P+
or the previous programme P–
For moving around within the MENU
Buttons for selecting the device to be
Fastext functions or for selecting sub-
menus using colours
STOP PLAY buttons
DVD and PVR forward/back functions
Speci c buttons for decoder
Displays the list of programmes
Selects analogue/digital
Selects digital TV and radio
Button for activating the LEARN function.
The button lights up when commands are
being captured or transmitted
User customised buttons that additional
commands can be saved to and accessed
directly from

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