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Useful Information
Thank you very much
Thank you for your confidence in us and congratulations!
With the MEDISANA foot spa comfort FS 885 you have purchased a high-quality product which will
contribute to your wellness for a long time if correctly used and serviced.
In order to achieve the desired effect with your foot spray bath in the long term, we recommend that
you read the following information on its use and maintenance carefully.
2.1 Items supplied and packaging
Please check first of all that the device is complete and is not damaged in any way. In case of doubt,
do not use it and contact your supplier or your service centre.
The following parts are included:
• 1 MEDISANA Foot spa comfort FS 885
1 Instruction manual
The packaging can be reused or recycled. Please dispose properly of any packaging material no longer
If you notice any transport damage during unpacking, please contact your supplier without delay.
Please ensure that the polythene packing is kept away from the reach of
children! Risk of suffocation!
2.2 Pedicure using the FS 885 foot spa comfort
Well cared for feet not only look good, they are generally speaking also healthy. Just a few minutes’
attention per day suffice for highly stressed feet to feel good and cope with the daily chores without pain.
One important part of pedicure is a relaxing footbath.
FS 885
foot spa comfort offers the best pre-requisites for this. It makes a powerful foot
massage, an intensive reflex zone massage and red light heat radiation too. The air jets and vibration are
activated by switching on the massage function. The red light function is also activated in the process.
Whatever you select, the varied applications help you to achieve an effect for body and soul which most
people find pleasant and relaxing.
Equipped with vibrating nipples
air nozzles
removable massager rolls
a central roll unit
, the MEDISANA FS 885 foot spa comfort enables a foot massage from the sole to the foot instep.
Press the Start/Stop button
to activate/deactivate the massage function (air jet/ vibration and red light).
The foot massage supplies the tissue layers better with blood and can thus unblock veins and lymphoid
vessels.Tense muscles can be loosened and painful joints soothed. The metabolism in the cells is
Heat treatment and red light
The MEDISANA FS 885 foot spa heats up and maintains the temperature set by you and ensures that it
does not increase while you are using it. Press button
to set the most agreeable temperature.
The red light
is activated when you switch on the massage function and deactivated when you switch
it off. The red light can help to stimulate the blood circulation. The radiation penetrates the soles of your
feet and creates a warm, pleasant feeling.
88378_FS885_West_Final_22082013.qxd:Fußsprudelbad 22.08.2013 17:12 Uhr Seite 10

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  • Met welke knop gaan de vier binnenste massagerollers en de twee oranje rollers bewegen Gesteld op 2-12-2015 om 17:15

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Hallo ,

      Ook ik ben erg benieuwd naar hoe deze aangaan ik heb mezelf al suf gezocht naar hoe het werkt. Heeft u het antwoord al gevonden ondertussen ?
      Groetjes Geantwoord op 12-4-2017 om 11:38

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

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