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3 Operating / 4 Miscellaneous
3.1 Filling with water
Before filling the device with water, make sure that no mains leads are connected, i.e. the electricity
lead must not be plugged-in! When the foot spa comfort is securely placed on the floor (ensuring that
it cannot tip over), and has been filled with water, insert the mains plug into the power supply socket.
The MEDISANA FS 885 foot spa can be filled with up to 6 litres of water. The maximum filling height
is marked
in the foot spray bath. You can use cold or warm water with or without bath additives,
just as desired.
Make sure that you use your MEDISANA foot spa comfort on a safe and
even surface that is not sensitive to moisture.
Never use any foaming bath additives or bath salts.
3.2 Function setting
After connected with the mains, press the button
to switch on the appliance. The display
the starting temperature. When you press the switch
again, the appliance will be shut down.
FS 885
foot spa comfort includes an innovative heating function. This technical
improvement makes it possible to keep the water at a constant temperature during application or to warm
it. When you switch on the device, the starting temperature appears in the display
. Each time you
press button
, the set temperature increases by 3 °C up to 39 °C. From 39 to 48 °C, the temperature
increases by 1 °C each time you press button
. When the device is on, the current temperature is always
shown in display
Generally speaking you can take about 20 minutes for a footbath with a massage, once or twice daily.
When you switch on the device with button
, operation time is set to 20 minutes. Press button
to prolong the operation time in 10 minute steps up to 60 minutes. You should ensure that the
device has completely cooled off before it is used again!
air jet / vibration / red light
The device also has air jet/vibration/red light functions. Press button
to switch on the functions.
Pressing the button
again, the bubble function will be closed.
If you are very sensitive to heat, have cardiovascular problems, swellings,
inflammations, skin irritation or skin wounds, please consult your doctor
before use.
4 Miscellaneous
4.1 Cleaning and maintenance
Before cleaning the device, make sure that it is turned off and the mains plug is removed from the
socket. Pour the water out of the device from one of the corners at the back and clean the device
with a cloth when it has cooled off.
88378_FS885_West_Final_22082013.qxd:Fußsprudelbad 22.08.2013 17:21 Uhr Seite 11

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