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Congratulaons on your purchase of this MG Gold amplier from Marshall Amplicaon.
The MG provides modern Marshall tones for the player who is on the go.
With your MG you can easily dial in storable sounds and eects including sparkling
clean, rich driven blues, rock tone and heavy distorted metal sengs. Every element
from voicing through to the speaker has been carefully designed to give you exibility at
your ngerps.
From the punchy MG 10 to the powerful MG 50, each MG Gold amplier is quick to set-
up and delivers me and me again. Whether you are praccing at home or gigging on
the road, the MG Gold not only looks good, it won’t let you down.
We hope you enjoy your MG Gold amplier.
- The Marshall Team
Before going any further, make sure that
your amplier is compable with your
mains electricity supply. If you have any
doubt, please seek help from a qualied
technician – your Marshall dealer can help
you in this respect.
The specic mains input voltage rang
that your amplier has been manufactured
for is indicated on the rear panel of the
amplier. MG50FX: Your amplier is
provided with a detachable mains (power)
lead, which should be connected to the
MAINS INPUT socket on the rear panel of
the amplier. The correct value and type
of mains fuse is specied on the rear panel
of each amplier.
NEVER aempt to bypass the fuse or t one
of the incorrect value or type.
Please ensure that your amplier is
switched o, unplugged from the mains
electricity supply and that all removable
cables have been disconnected from your
equipment before aempng to move it.
Failure to select the correct impedance
may damage your amplier.
If connecng a speaker cabinet make sure
that you use a proper speaker cable. Never
use a screened (shielded) guitar cable for
this purpose.
1. Ensure that the MAINS (power)
switch is set to the OFF posion.
2. Connect the supplied mains (power)
lead into the MAINS INPUT rst and
then into the mains electricity supply.
3. Ensure that the VOLUME controls on
the front panel are set to zero.
4. Plug your guitar into an INPUT jack
5. Turn the front panel MAINS switch to
the ON posion.
6. Turn the VOLUME up to your
preferred level and your amplier is
ready to play.

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