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How to Search for Your Desired Program Using PTY Search
1. Press the POWER button to ON.
2. Press the BAND button to select FM.
3. Press the DISPLAY button for longer than 1 second.
“Search” will blink in the display.
Be sure to press the button for more than 1 second regardless of
whether RDS mode is on or off.
4. Press the PRESET UP/DOWM button.
Select your desired one from among 29 kinds of PTY programs.
(The program will blink.)
5. Press the TUNING UP () or DOWN () button.
When you press the TUNING button after your desired program is
searched, you can continue to search for another program type by
increasing of decreasing the frequency from the current one.
When the same program type is not found in PTY Search mode,
searching will stop and search mode will be released automati-
If the same program type is not found during PTY Search, it will
stop at the beginning frequency.
When this system is subjected to an electrical shock.
When the power is irregular.
In the above cases, function buttons may not often operate or the
display may operate wrongly. In these cases, try the following:
— Rear panel —
Press the RESET switch lightly once or twice with a pencil or a ballpoint
This section describes the care and maintenance tasks that must be
performed to optimize the operation of your Marantz equipment.
The exterior finish of your ST4000 will last indefinitely with proper care
and cleaning. Never use scouring pads, steel wool, scouring powders
or harsh chemical agents (e.g., lye solution), alxohol, thinners, benzine,
insecticide or other volatile substances as these will mar the finish of
the equipment. Likewise, never use cloths containing chemical sub-
stances. If the equipment gets dirty, wipe the external surfaces with a
soft, lint-free cloth.
If the equipment becomes heavily soiled:
dilute some washing up liquid in water, in a ratio of one part deter-
gent to six parts water;
dip a soft, lint free cloth in the solution and wring the cloth out until it
is damp;
wipe the equipment with the damp cloth;
dry the equipment by wiping it with a dry cloth.
Only the most competent and qualified service technicians shoud be
allowed to service your unit. Marantz and its factory trained warranty
station personnel have the knowledge and special equipment needed
for the repair and calibration of this precision instrument.
In the event of difficulty, call the proper toll-free telephone number listed
on the face of the warranty to obtain the name and address of the Marants
Authorized Service Center nearest you. In many cases, the dealer where
you purchased your Marants unit may be equipped to provide service.
Please include the model, serial number of your unit together with a
copy of your purchase receipt and a full description of what you feel is
abnormal in its behaviour.
If the equipment malfunctions, this may be because an electrostatic
discharge or AC line interference has corrupted the information in the
equipment memory circuits. Therefore:
disconnect the plug from the AC line supply
after waiting at least three minutes, reconnect the plug to the AC line
re-attempt to operate the equipment
Memory backup
In case a power outage occurs or the power cord is acci-
dentally unplugged, the ST4000 is equipped with a backup
function to prevent memory data such as the preset memory
from being erased.
The memory funcitons are backed up for up to about one

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