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The ON and/or OFF time can be preset for daily use.
Before presetting DAILY make sure the power is off.
DAILY Presetting
1. Press the DAILY button. (“DAILY ON --:--” will be displayed for you to
set the ON time.)
2. Set the “hour (
)” you want by pressing the TUNING button, and
then press the NEXT button. “Minute” signal will blink.
After you set the “minute (--)” you want in the same way as for “hour”,
the display will show “DAILY OFF --:--” which indicates the OFF time.
Set the OFF time in the same way as you set the “ON” time.
3. Press the DAILY button or NEXT button to complete presetting.
Then, the display will return to the previous status before presetting
was performed.
4. Press the TIMER button to turn on he timer.
If you turn off the power intentionally before the “OFF” time, the DAILY
presets will be cancelled.
RDS (Radio Data System)
1. RDS provides such information as station names, local times, the
types of program, etc. for FM broadcasting.
2. You can receive the following kinds of data with this system.
PS (Program Service Name): displays FM station name.
CT (Clock Time): displays the information about times provided
from the station.
PTY (Program Type): These data on program type will be dis-
played while receiving FM.
In case the currently received station is not broadcasting RDS, “NO
RDS” will be displayed continuously regardless of RDS mode.
When the reception of broadcasting is rather weak (RDS: Off), “NO
RDS” will also be displayed. In such a case, correct the position of
the antenna.
RDS Display
1. Press the POWER button to ON.
2. Press the BAND button to select FM.
RDS can be displayed only in the FM band.
3. Press the PRESET UP/DOWN button or the TUNING UP/DOWN
button to tune to the required broadcast station.
In case the received station is broadcasting RDS, RDS will light
up in the Display.
After a while, RDS Data will be displayed automatically.
4. Press the DISPLAY button.
Each time you press the button (within 0.5 second), the modes will
change as follows regardless of the current mode:
(1) PS mode: “PS” will blink for about 4 seconds in the display.
If you do not receive PS Data even after switching the mode to
call it up, “NO PS” will be displayed until the data is received.
When the data is received, the corresponding PS will be dis-
(2) CT mode: “CT” will blink for about 4 seconds in the display.
If you do not receive CT Data even after switching the mode to
call it up, “NO CT” will be displayed until the data is received.
When the data is received, the corresponding CT will be dis-
(3) PTY mode: “PTY” will blink for about 4 seconds in the display.
The PTY indicator lights.
The data is displayed in PTY mode as follows:
There are 29 programme categories:
NEWS = News service
AFFAIR = Politics and current events
INFO = Special informative reports
SPORT = Sports
EDUCATE = Learning and continuation of education
DRAMA = Radio plays, literature
CULTURE = Culture and society
SCIENCE = Programmes about sciences and technology
OTHERS = Variety
POP = Pop music
ROCK = Rock music
MOR = Middle of the road music, ’easy-listening’.
LIGHT = Light classical music
CLASSIC = Serious classical music
OTHER = Other music
WEATHER = Weather reports, forecasts
FINANCE = Financial reports, commerce, trading
CHILDREN = Children’s programmes
SOCIAL A = Social affairs
RELIGION = Religious programmes
PHONE IN = Programmes in which the public expresses its view
by phone.
TRAVEL = Travel reports
HOBBIES = Programmes concerning recreational activities
JAZZ = Jazz music
COUNTRY = Country music
NATION M = National music
OLDIES = Music from the so-called ‘golden age’ of popular mu-
FOLK M = Folk music
DOCUMENT = Documentaries
If you do not receive PTY Data, “NO PTY” will be displayed.

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