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Maintenance and check of the camera
Read instructions before using camera.
Protect camera against shocks and falls. Use the neck strap supplied with it, when-
ever possible.
Check the batteries frequently and always carry spares. The sealed batteries supplied
with the camera may have been subject to storage conditions which have reduced its
service life.
Be sure to wipe battery contacts before installation and watch correct polarity.
Battery life differs, depending on frequency of use, type, age, storage condition, ambi-
ent temperature (use External Battery Case in very cold weather), etc.
Always remove the battery (and film) when camera is not used for a long period of
Always keep covers on lenses and camera body.
Do not store the camera at temperatures exceeding 40˚C (105˚F) and -10˚C (15˚F).
Also avoid humid or sea air environment.
Prolonged disuse shortens camera life. Periodically exercise the shutter (at different
speeds), lens diaphragms (at different apertures) and focusing mechanism.
Protect camera against rain and moisture.
Do not touch lens surfaces. Use blower or lens tissue to remove dust particles.
Always test your equipment before going on important assignments.
The Importance of Proper Maintenance
Your camera has mechanisms like film transport, shutter and diaphragm blades etc.
They are controlled by gears, levers, springs, and so on. All require special lubrication
from time to time. Ambient conditions can also affect these mechanisms, as well as the
electronic components and the optical glass of your lenses. We therefore suggest that
you have your camera and lenses checked, and if necessary serviced, periodically.
Common Sense Camera Care and Practice
After-Sale Servicing
Be sure to read the terms and conditions in the warranty card.
1. For inquiries, opinions or questions concerning the product, please contact your near-
est Mamiya agent or service center.
2. Servicing after the expiration of the period specified in the warranty card will be charged
to the user. The freight and transport costs should always be paid by the user.
3. The servicing parts for use in repair of the product will be retained at the factory for ten
years from the date of discontinuation of production.
Servicing is available for the same period as the servicing part retention period. As
the product may be serviceable even after this period, please consult your dealer or
nearest Mamiya service center for its serviceability.
Servicing of malfunction or damage due to dropping, impact, fire, flood, etc.
1) The degree of such a malfunction or damage will be judged by the Mamiya service
2) Such a malfunction or damage will be classified either non-serviceable or serviceable.
When the product is classified to be serviceable, it will be repaired at the expense of
the user, even if the malfunction or damage occurred within the warranty period.
Specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice.

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