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Camera Type : 6x4.5cm format, electronically controlled focal-plane shutter, TTL mul-
tiple mode AE, AF single lens reflex
Actual Image Size : 56x41.5 mm
Film Type : 120 roll film (16 exposures);
220 roll film (32 exposures); Polaroid Land Pack Film (requires
special HP402 magazine)
Lens Mount : Mamiya 645 AF Mount, compatible with M645 Mount (manual
focus confirmation, focus aid, stopped-down exposure metering)
Viewfinder : Fixed prism viewfinder magnification x0.71; built-in diopter
adjustment (-2.5 to +0.5, optional diopter correction lenses provide
adjustment ranges of -5 to -2 diopter and 0 to +3 diopter); built-in
eye-piece shutter
Focusing Screen : Interchangeable, Matte (standard), Checker, and Microprism Type
C for Non-AF M645 lenses.
Field of View : 94%* of actual image
Viewfinder Information
: Focus mark, defocus mark, warning mark, aperture value, shutter
speed, metering mode (A, S, A/S), exposure compensation value
(difference between set value and metered value) and flash ready
/ OK lamp with TTL Metz connection.
Auto focus method : TTL phase difference detection method; sensor: CCD line sensor
(I+I type); operating range: EV0 to EV18 (ISO 100)
Focus area : Display the focus area in the viewfinder screen
AF assist beam : Activates automatically under low light, low contrast.
Range: 9m, Automatic switching to flash unit's built-in assist beam
when Metz flash unit is attached.
AF Lock : By pressing the shutter release button halfway down in the AF-S
mode, or by pressing the AFL button.
Exposure Modes
: Aperture-priority AE, shutter-priority AE, programmed AE (PH, PL
setting possible), and manual
AE metering mode : TTL metering, center-weighted average (AV), spot (S), and
variable ratio (A-S auto)
Increments of shutter : Both the shutter speed and the aperture level can be set to 1/3 or
speed and aperture 1/2 using the electronic dial lock function
Metering Range : EV 2 to EV 19 (with ISO100 film, f/2.8 lens)
Exposure compensation
: ±3 EV (1/3 step) Expandable to ±5 EV
Film speed : ISO 25 to 6400
AE lock : With AEL button; canceled by pressing the button again or shutter
Shutter : Electronically controlled vertical metal focal-plane shutter. (vertical
Shutter speed : AE 30 to 1/4000 sec. (1/8 step), manual 30 to 1/4000 sec. (1/2 or
1/3 steps), X, B (Bulb, electronically controlled), shutter curtain
protection mechanism (open when magazine is removed,
automatically closed when magazine is attached)
Auto bracket shot : Enable with auto bracket button (2 frame shots, or 3 frame shot
with auto bracketing). Specify 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 or 1EV steps.
Flash Synchronization
: X contact point, 1/125 seconds (when 1/3 step is selected it can
be set between 1/40 and 1/125 seconds).
Flash control : TTL direct flash control, supports Metz SCA3002 system
(SCA3952 Adapter)
Film transport : Automatic via built-in motor, single or continuous exposures
Film loading : Automatic advance to the first frame when shutter release button
is pressed halfway down or back cover is closed.
Multiple Exposure : Enable with multiple exposure button (the number of exposures
can be set from 2 to 6). It can be canceled in the middle and the
number of exposures can be changed, or you can switch to an
arbitrary multiple exposure style.
Mirror up shot : Select by pressing the mirror up button.
LCD displays : Main LCD display: Program mode mark, custom function mode
mark, AF area mark, battery level indicator, manual focus mode,
superimpose mode, dial lock mark, shutter speed, AE lock mark,
aperture value, multiple exposure mode mark, exposure compen-
sation mode mark, flash compensation mark, exposure compen-
sation value, self-timer mark, auto bracket mark, time mark (while
setting the clock).
Magazine LCD panel: ISO sensitivity, 120/220, number of shots.
Data Imprinting : 7 segment dot matrix; DATA mode: exposure mode, aperture
value, shutter speed value, exposure compensation, metering
mode, ID number; DAY
mode: year, month, date, time, ID number;
ID mode: ID number
Sync terminal : X contact (sync speed 1/125 sec.)
Cable release socket : On shutter button
Remote-control terminal
: On side of body; electromagnetic cable release
Self-Timer : 2 to 60 sec. (standard: 10 sec., can be set in 1 sec. steps between
2 and 10 sec., and in 10 sec. steps between 10 and 60 sec.)
Depth-of-field confirmation
: Preview Button on body
Custom settings : 35 items
Tripod Socket : U 1/4 inch and U 3/8 included
Power Requirements : 6 AA-size batteries (alkaline-magnesium, lithium)
External power socket : An external battery case can be connected.
Size & Weight : 6 ”(W)X5 ”(H)X7.3 ”(D) / 153(W)X128(H)X184(D)mm
: 3.9 pounds / 1,780 g (W/O battery)
* This information is based on a linear (horizontal/vertical) measurement.
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