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Never use gasoline, benzine, thinner, alcohol or the
like. Discoloration, deformation or cracks may result.
Inspecting blades
Check the blades daily for damage, crack and dull edge.
Ask Makita authorized service center to replace damaged
blades or sharpen dull blades.
Adjusting the blade clearance (Fig. 17 &
The upper/lower blades wear out gradually after
operations. If you cannot get a clean cut though the
blades are sharp enough, adjust the clearance as follows.
The tightness of the truss bolt decides the clearance of
the blades.
The nut holds the truss bolt with certain tightness. Too
loose clearance causes blunt cut, but too tight clearance
causes unnecessary heat and sooner worn-out of the
1. Loosen the nuts with a wrench.
2. Tighten the bolts lightly till they stop. And then, screw
them back a quarter to half turn each to gain
necessary clearance.
3. Hold the bolts and tighten the nuts.
4. Apply light oil on the friction surface of the blades.
5. Switch on the tool and pull the switch trigger.
6. Measure the time necessary for the blades to stop
after releasing the switch trigger. If it is two seconds or
longer, switch off the tool and repeat the step 1 to 6.
7. Switch off the tool and remove the battery cartridge,
and touch the blade surface. If they are not too hot to
touch, you have made a proper adjustment. If they are
too hot to touch, turn the bolts back a little and repeat
the step 5 to 7.
Lubricating moving parts
Follow the instruction of the frequency and amount of
grease supplied. Otherwise insufficient lubrication may
damage moving parts. (Fig. 19)
Lubricate gears in the cutter unit every 25 working hours.
The grease hole locates under the bolt. Remove the bolt
to lubricate.
Add approx. 3 g (4 cc) of grease to the point A of the
gearbox and 5 g (7 cc) of the grease to the point B
respectively via the grease holes. Return the bolt after
After filling correct amount of grease, grease will come out
a bit from the base of the blade during the first operation.
Overall inspection
Check for damaged parts and blades. Ask Makita
authorized service center to replace them if necessary.
To maintain product SAFETY and RELIABILITY, repairs,
any other maintenance or adjustment should be
performed by Makita Authorized Service Centers, always
using Makita replacement parts.

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