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1. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – This manual contains important safety and operating instructions for battery charger.
2. Before using battery charger, read all instructions and cautionary markings on (1) battery charger, (2) battery, and (3) prod-
uct using battery.
3. CAUTION – To reduce risk of injury, charge only MAKITA rechargeable batteries. Other types of batteries may burst causing
personal injury and damage.
4. Non-rechargeable batteries cannot be charged with this battery charger.
5. Use a power source with the voltage specified on the nameplate of the charger.
6. Do not charge the battery cartridge in presence of flammable liquids or gases.
7. Do not expose charger to rain or snow.
8. Never carry charger by cord or yank it to disconnect from receptacle.
9. After charging or before attempting any maintenance or cleaning, unplug the charger from the power source. Pull by plug
rather than cord whenever disconnecting charger.
10. Make sure cord is located so that it will not be stepped on, tripped over, or otherwise subjected to damage or stress.
11. Do not operate charger with damaged cord or plug – replace them immediately.
12. Do not operate or disassemble charger if it has received a sharp blow, been dropped, or otherwise damaged in any way;
take it to a qualified serviceman. Incorrect use or reassembly may result in a risk of electric shock or fire.
13. The battery charger is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision.
14. Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the battery charger.
15. Do not charge battery cartridge when temperature is BELOW 10°C (50°F) or ABOVE 40°C (104°F).
16. Do not attempt to use a step-up transformer, an engine generator or DC power receptacle.
1. Plug the battery charger into the proper AC voltage source. The charging light will flash in green color.
2. Insert the battery cartridge so that the plus and minus terminals on the battery cartridge are on the same sides as their
respective markings on the charger.
3. When the battery cartridge is inserted fully, the charging light will change from green to red and charging will begin. The
charging light will remain lit steadily during charging.
4. When the charging light changes from red to green, the charging cycle is complete.
5. After charging, unplug the charger from the power source.
Refer to the table for the charging time below.
(Note)*1...18 V batteries can be charged with the charger DC1804 only.
The battery charger is for charging Makita battery cartridge. Never use it for other purposes or for other manufacturer’s batter-
When you charge a battery cartridge which is new or has not been used for a long period of time, it may not accept a full
charge until after discharging it completely and recharging a couple of times.
If you charge a battery cartridge from a just operated tool or a battery cartridge which has been exposed to direct sunlight or
heat for a long time, the charging light may flash in red color. If this occurs, wait for a while. Charging will begin after the bat-
tery cartridge cools.
If the charging light flashes alternately in green and red, charging is not possible. The terminals on the charger or battery car-
tridge are clogged with dust or the battery cartridge is worn out or damaged.
Trickle charge (Maintenance charge)
If you leave the battery cartridge in the charger to prevent spontaneous discharging after full charge, the charger will switch into
its “trickle charge (maintenance charge)” mode and keep the battery cartridge fresh and fully charged.
To maintain product SAFETY and RELIABILITY, repairs, any other maintenance or adjustment should be performed by a Makita
Authorized Service Centers, always using Makita replacement parts.
We declare under our sole responsibility that this product is in
compliance with the following standards of standardized doc-
uments, EN60335, EN55014, EN61000 in accordance with
Council Directives, 73/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC.
Yasuhiko Kanzaki
CE 2003
Michigan Drive, Tongwell, Milton Keynes,
Voltage 7.2 V 9.6 V 12 V 14.4 V 18 V *1
of cells
6 8 10 12 15
Ni-Cd battery
7000, 7100 9000, 9100/A, 9120 1200/A, 1210, 1220 1420 1.3 30
7001 9001, 9101/A 1201/A 1.7 40
7002 9002, 9102/A, 9122 1202/A, 1222 1422 1822 2.0 45
Ni-MH battery
7033 9033, 9133 1233 1433 1833 2.2 50
7034 9034, 9134 1234 1434 1834 2.6 60
9135/A 1235/A/F 1435/F 1835/F 3.0 70

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