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1. Packaging content
Please unpack the Bluetooth® Receiver carefully and check whether all the
parts listed below are included:
1. MAGINON Bluetooth® Receiver BTR-I
2. Mains adapter (DC 5V)
3. Connectingcablewith2x3.5mmjackplug
4. Connecting cable with 3.5 mm jack plug and stereo cinch
5. Operating instructions
6. Warranty and service documents
2. Hazard, safety and warning notices
Improper handling of your Bluetooth® Receiver and accessories may put
you and others at risk and damage or destroy the device. So please read
and strictly observe the following Safety information. Please keep the
instructions for future reference and pass them on with the device.
Intended use
Your Bluetooth® Receiver is intended for connecting Bluetooth®
devices to stereo systems. It has been designed for private use
and is not suitable for commercial purposes
Information on Bluetooth® devices
Bluetooth® devices work with shortwave radio signals. These
can interfere with other electronic devices and medical devices.
Switch your Receiver off in areas where its use is prohibited.
Do not use your Receiver in medical facilities, on an aircraft, at filling
stations or near automatic fire detectors or automatically controlled
Keep your Receiver at least 20 cm away from cardiac pacemakers and
other medical devices. Radio signals can interfere with the functioning
of cardiac pacemakers and other medical devices.
Electrical hazard
If foreign objects or a liquid have got into your Bluetooth® Receiver,
switch it off. Let everything dry thoroughly. Otherwise there is a danger
of fire or electrocution
 orexcessivehumidity.Dangeroffireandelectrocution.
The Receiver may not be taken apart, modified or repaired by yourself.
Danger of fire and electrocution.
Use only the mains adapter supplied.
Injuries and material damage
Provide for sufficient ventilation and do not cover your Receiver
to avoid overheating.
Do not place open fire sources, such as burning candles, on or near the
influences, such as electric shocks, falls or others are not covered by the
warranty and shall thus be charged for.
4. View of the Receiver 5. Use
5.1. Connecting your Receiver
To use your MAGINON Bluetooth® Receiver BTR-I, connect it as shown
First connect your Receiver (1) via one of the connecting cables supplied
(2) to your stereo system or another suitable audio output device. Then
connect the mains adapter (3) to your Receiver (1) and a mains socket (4).
The control LED of the Receiver will then blink slowly in blue after about
6-8 seconds.
1. Control LED
2. Mains adapter connection (DC 5 V)
3. Audio output 3.5 mm jack plug
3. Parts description
1. BTR-1 Bluetooth® Receiver
2. Mains adapter
3. 3.5 mm jack plug cable
4. Cinch cable
5. Operating instructions (not
6. Warranty documents (not

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Andere handleiding(en) van Maginon BTR-1

Maginon BTR-1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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