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6. Conformity
This device was tested according to Part 15 of the FCC regulations and it was
conrmed that the device complies with the limit values for class B digital
devices. The aim of these limit values is to provide appropriate protection
against adverse sources of interference in case of a domestic installation. If
the device is not installed in accordance with the instructions, it may cause
interference for TVs, radios and mobile radios.
This device may be operated provided that the following is being observed:
(1) This device may not cause any adverse interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation or operational faults.
In the event of radio or television reception being aected by this device, this
can be easily tested by switching the device on and o, the user should try to
remedy the fault by taking the following action:
• Turningthereceivingaerialinanotherdirectionor
changing its location.
• Increasingthedistancebetweenthedeviceandthereceiver.
• Contactthedealeroranexperiencedradioandtelevisiontechnician.
The Manufacturer hereby declares that the CE marking was applied to the
product in accordance with the basic requirements and other relevant
provisions of the following European Directives:
2011/65/EC RoHs Guideline
2004/108/EC Low Voltage Directive
The EC Declaration of Conformity can be requested from
the address specied on the Warranty card.
7. Care
Do not use any corrosive cleaners, such as mentholated spirits, thinners,
etc. to clean the audio cassette converter housing and camera accessory.
When required, clean system components with a soft dry cloth.
Never immerse this device in water or other liquids while cleaning or
operating it. Never hold the device under running water.
8. Disposal
For disposal, separate packaging into
dierent types and dispose of in line
with environmental regulations in
supplied collection containers.
Correct disposal of product:
The adjacent symbol indicates that
electrical and electronic equipment
may not be disposed of in domestic
waste in the EU. Please use your
local returns and collection systems
or contact the dealer where the
product was purchased. This prevents potentially
harmful eects on the environment and health
as a result of incorrect disposal. For further
information contact the respective department of
your local council.
9. Technical specication
Element Description
Output 2-channel stereo
Frequency range 100 Hz - 20 kHz
Bluetooth® standard 2.1+EDR
Bluetooth® signal strength Class II
Transmission format A2DP
Signal range up to 10 metres
Power supply
Mains adapter: Model BLJ5050020P-V
Input: 100-240 V~, 50/60 Hz; 0.15 A
3.5 mm stereo jack plug;
Dimensions 48.5mmx45.5mmx21mm
Weight 37 grams
Manufacturer’s address:
Denisstr. 28A
67663 Kaiserslautern
The Bluetooth® brand name and logo are registered trademarks of Bluetooth
SIG, Inc.
5.2. Build Bluetooth® connection
Open the Bluetooth® settings in the mobile device or computer you want
to connect to the Receiver. Select “BRT-1”in the list of Bluetooth® devices
available and build a connection. If you are asked to enter a password,
enter “0000”.
As soon as the Bluetooth® device has connected to the Bluetooth®
Receiver, the control LED on the reciever will light up with a steady blue
On some Bluetooth® devices you also need to confirm whether
a connection to the Bluetooth® Receiver should be allowed. The
connection will only be built after conrmation and the control
LED will show a steady blue light.
If a mobile Bluetooth® device moves outside the range of the
Receiver of up to 10 metres, the connection will be broken. To then
build the connection again, when you are back in range, you need
to open the Bluetooth® settings on the mobile device again.
Please observe any other information in the documentation of your
Bluetooth® device regarding Bluetooth® connections.
5.3. Music reproduction
Switch on the stereo system or audio output device you have connected
to the Bluetooth® Receiver and switch to the signal input to which the
Receiver is connected. Make sure the volume is set appropriately.
Now start playing music on your Bluetooth® device. The reproduction is
then controlled via the Bluetooth® device.
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which items are collected in your area.
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Andere handleiding(en) van Maginon BTR-1

Maginon BTR-1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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