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A Slicer with a blunt blade will not give satisfactory results. The blade will lose its
sharpness if it comes into contact with unsuitable products such as cardboard,
string, bones and frozen foods.
A sharp blade will produce better slices and the Slicer blade can be sharpened at
any time, using any type of professional knife sharpener.
• Unplug the appliance.
• Using the octagonal screw key provided, loosen the screw (6)
at the centre of the blade, turning it in an anticlockwise direc-
tion. Lift off the blade shield.
• Take off the 3 removable screws with a screwdriver. Carefully
remove the blade - if possible, wear protective gloves.
• Wipe the blade, tray, pressure knob and appliance with a damp
cloth. Never pour water onto the appliance.
• Replace the blade, the 3 removable screws, the blade shield
and the screw, then tighten the latter using the screw key.
Réf: 460 033 - 02/2006 - Trancheur Pro 220
As the blade is extremely sharp, always use the food grip, especially
when slicing small quantities.
This symbol indicates that this product should not be treated as regular household
waste. It should be taken to a collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic
equipment. For more details about collection points, please contact your local council
or your household waste disposal service.
19 Bridge Street - Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HY
Telephone: 01483 427411 - Fax: 01483 427414
We reserve the right to alter at any time without notice the technical specifications of this appliance.
© All rights reserved for all countries by Magimix

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