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Before plugging in the appliance, check that the voltage indicated on the
appliance corresponds to your mains supply.
1. Only use the Slicer when the tray (2) and the pressure knob (3) are in position,
unless the shape or size of the food being sliced makes this impossible.
2. Install the tray at the rear of the appliance, inserting it into the horizontal slit.
3. Place the food to be sliced on the tray, pressing it against the back plate (4).
4. Adjust the thickness by turning the thickness adjuster knob (7).
5. Hold the food in place and switch the appliance on, using the on/off switch (9).
6. Slide the tray (2) backwards and forwards along the slicer base(3).
7. Check that the first slice is the right thickness. If necessary, alter the setting
using the adjuster knob (7).
N.B. : The design of the Pro 220 Slicer makes it ideal for use with raw and cooked
meats or other types of food which curl or do not hold their shape on slicing.
Always follow these safety instructions
• Never immerse the appliance in water.
• Never leave the appliance within reach of children and never let them use it.
• Never touch the blade while the Slicer is in operation.
Always place the appliance on a flat surface.
• Use the food grip for small quantities of food.
• Unplug the appliance before cleaning and each time after use.
• Never pour water onto the appliance.
After each use, return the back plate to position "O", in line with the blade.
• Never over tighten the centre screw and always ensure the washer has been
replaced before use.
• The blade is extremely sharp. Handle it with care.
• Never use the machine with damaged lead. If the power cord is damaged, if
your appliance has broken down, or if your appliance has fallen, it must be
replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly-qualified
person in order to avoid a hazard.
• This appliance is not guaranteed for commercial use.

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