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01. Skin the chorizo and place it in the mini bowl. Process for 5 seconds, then add the
olives and pulse 3-5 times. Set aside.
02. Stir the yeast into the warm water (approx. 35 °C) with a fork until it dissolves. Allow
to rest for 1 minute.
03. Place the salt, flour and yeast liquid in the main bowl fitted with the dough blade.
04. Run your processor for 1 minute or until the dough forms a ball.
05. Add the olives and chorizo, pressing the pulse button a few times to incorporate
06. Take the dough out the bowl with floured hands, roll it into a ball and place it in a
large mixing bowl. Cover with cling film or a damp cloth and leave to rise for 1 hour.
07. With floured hands, knock back* the dough by giving it a few gentle punches
08. Turn the dough out onto a floured worktop and divide into 6 equal pieces (approx.
80 g each) with a sharp knife
Shape into small buns
09. Arrange the buns on a baking tray lined with baking parchment. Cover with a
damp cloth and prove* for 30 minutes.
10. 20 minutes before the end of the proving time, fill the dripping pan in the oven with
water and preheat your oven to 240 °C (gas mark 9).
11. Cut a deep cross in the top of each bun with the wet blade of a sharp knife
12. Lower the oven temperature to 200 °C (gas mark 6) and bake the buns for 20
minutes or until they are golden.
13. To check that the buns are done, turn them over and give them a sharp knock. They
should sound hollow. Leave them to cool on a wire tray.
Chefs tip: you can replace the olives and chorizo with figs and walnuts.
Never allow yeast to come into direct contact with salt.
Olive and chorizo buns
Preparation: 10 min Resting: 1hr30 min Baking: 20 min
250g strong white bread flour
150ml hand-hot water
4g fresh yeast*
4g salt
6 buns
40g pitted olives
80g chorizo sausage

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Andere handleiding(en) van Magimix 4200XL

Magimix 4200XL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Magimix 4200XL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Italiano, Espanõl - 144 pagina's

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