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Place all the ingredients in the bowl. Put
the lid on and turn anticlockwise until it
locks into position.
The dough blade can also be used to stir
chocolate chips, dried fruit, etc., into the
dough without chopping them. Simply
pulse 2 or 3 times.
Press AUTO.
Switch off as soon as the dough forms a
ball or the mixture is sufficiently kneaded.
MIXES and KNEADS unleavened dough
for shortcrust pastry, rich shortcrust
pastry, etc.
MIXES and KNEADS leavened dough for
bread, brioche, etc.
Fit the dough blade on the motor shaft.
It needs to be at the bottom of the bowl.
Never exceed the quantities recommended on p. 7.
Check out our useful hints and tips on p. 23.
Use the spatula to scrape any remaining flour off the bowl walls.
2 3
Depending on the quantity, it usually takes less than a minute to knead a batch of
dough. To avoid being engulfed in clouds of flour, put all the ingredients in the bowl
before you switch your appliance on.
WHIPS cream
Before you begin, chill the bowl and
ingredients in the fridge for an hour. Pour
the whipping or double cream into the bowl.
Whisk continuously, keeping a close eye
on the cream so that it does not turn into
Put the lid on and turn until it locks into
WHISKS egg whites
Put the egg whites in the bowl
Whisk continuously for 5-8 minutes,
depending on the number of egg whites.
Your bowl must be clean and dry. To allow enough air in, remove the graduated pusher
2 3
Slot the egg whisk onto the motor shaft.
Ensuring it is at the bottom of the bowl.
Add the ingredients.
When whisking egg whites or whipping
cream, remove the graduated pusher
from the feed tube to allow more air in.
Make sure you fit the four sections
together correctly. Check that the metal
shaft has been correctly inserted. It should
protrude slightly from the top.
Check out our useful hints and tips on p. 23.
Built to an exclusive, patented Magimix design, the whisk beats the egg
whites very gradually, making them stiffer and giving them more volume.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Magimix 4200XL

Magimix 4200XL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Magimix 4200XL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Italiano, Espanõl - 144 pagina's

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