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Cal. V421/V621
To start the music
Press the button with the crown at the
normal position. Music starts playing and
the second hand starts moving to it.
To stop the music
Press the button once again.
Cal. V422
The music played differs depending on the
Cal. V421
It’s A Small World
©1963 Wonderland Music Co., Inc.
Mickey Mouse March
©1955 Walt Disney Music Company
Jingle Bells
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
©Blackwood Music under license from ATV Music
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
©EMI Unart Catalog, Inc.
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
©Blue Seas Music Inc., JAC Music Co., Inc.,
Twentieth Century-Fox Music Corp. (20th Century Fox)
©Blackwood Music under license from ATV Music
I Want To Hold Your Hand
©Music Corporation of America
When You Wish Upon A Star
©Bourne Co.
To start the music
Press button “A” or “B” with the crown at
the normal position. Music starts playing
and the second hand starts moving to it.
* Two different melodies are played by pressing
respective buttons.
To stop the music
Press either button “A” or “B”.
Notes for Cal. V421, V422 & V621:
1. The duration of the music and the movement
of the second hand differ depending on
the music played.
2. The music will stop automatically at its
end even if the button is left untouched.
3. When the music stops, the second hand
will return to the accurate time and start
immediately at one-second intervals.
Cal. V52F/V52G
To start the music
Press the button with the crown at the
normal position. Music starts playing and
the light blinks on and off in time to the
* The music will stop automatically at its
end. It cannot be stopped manually by
pressing the button or by operating the
Button A
Button B
Cal. V422
Button A : It’s A Small World
©1963 Wonderland Music Co., Inc.
Button B : Mickey Mouse March
©1955 Walt Disney Music Company
Cal. V52F/V52G
It’s A Small World
©1963 Wonderland Music Co., Inc.
Mickey Mouse March
©1955 Walt Disney Music Company
Cal. V621
It’s A Small World
©1963 Wonderland Music Co., Inc.
When You Wish Upon A Star
©Bourne Co.
Winnie The Pooh
©1963 Wonderland Music Co., Inc.
Mickey Mouse March
©1955 Walt Disney Music Company
(dial, hands, buttons, case, bezel,
strap, etc.)
If your watch is a LORUS LUMIBRITE watch,
it has following features.
LORUS LUMIBRITE watches absorb and store
light energy from natural and artificial light
sources and emit light in the dark. They are
made of environmentally friendly material,
and therefore, are harmless to human beings
and the environment.
• With a full charge, LORUS LUMIBRITE
watches glow in the dark hours longer than
conventional luminous watches of this type.
If exposed to a light of more than 500 lux
(i.e., the brightness of a typical office) for
approximately 10 minutes, or direct sunlight
for 2 minutes, they will glow for hours.
• Since LORUS LUMIBRITE watches emit
the light they store, the brightness will
decrease gradually over time. The length
of time they will glow may also differ slightly
depending on such factors as the brightness
of and distance from the light source used
to charge the watch.

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