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Harmony 885 User Manual
Getting to Know Your Harmony Remote
Many of the Harmony remote's buttons are standard remote buttons. However, there are buttons and
other hardware that may not be so familiar to you. The extra buttons and hardware give you access to the
special features of the Harmony remote.
USB Connector: Connect one end of the USB cable to this connector and
the other end to your computer so that you can download your configuration
using the Harmony Remote Software.
OFF: Turns all devices off with one button press.
Activities: Press Activities to view a list of Activities you have added. Press
the display button next to the Activity you want and the Harmony remote will
set up your entertainment system.
Help: Asks you simple questions so that your Harmony remote can fix
problems you are having within an Activity.
Display: Shows a list of your Activities and devices, help, infrared (IR)
commands and any available listings.
Display Buttons: Use the buttons at the side of the display to select the
corresponding command.
Left/Right Arrows: Allows you to view more options on the display.
Device: Lists all your devices on the display, and allows you to select and
directly control any device.
Glow: Turns on/off the backlight glow for the remote.
Media: In the Watch TV Activity press this button to view your Favorite
Channels on the display.
Prev: Goes to previous television channel.
Teletext Buttons: This is a service provided by the television provider. Use
the Teletext buttons to access this service; however, your TV set must be
equipped with a Teletext decoder. While Teletext is the default setting for
these buttons in the Watch TV Activity, you can customize these buttons to
send different commands.
Menu: Gives you access to the menu system on a device, if you have a
device with this feature.
Exit: Exits from the Guide feature.
Guide: Gives you access to view program listings, if you have a device with
this feature.
Info: Gives you additional information on program listings, if you have a
device with the Guide feature.
Infrared Learning Port: The Harmony remote uses this port to learn
commands from your original remote.
v. 1.1 page 2

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  • Is er ook een nederlandse handleiding?

    mkoenraadt@home.nl Gesteld op 6-2-2010 om 18:46

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Beste mevr of heer koenraadt,
      Zou u mij de handleiding in het nederlands willen mailen .Ik zou er zo mee geholpen zijn mijn email is rmohlmann@casema.nl.
      Alvast heel hartelijk bedankt,

      René Möhlmann Geantwoord op 27-5-2015 om 17:27

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Andere handleiding(en) van Logitech Harmony 885

Logitech Harmony 885 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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