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Got everything?
1 x Smartphone
1 x External power supply USB Universal – (Model: NB-0500700EU; 5V 700mA) (Shenzhen NANBANG
Electronics Co., Ltd; Linpokeng Industrial Area, Shajing Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, PRC.)
1 x USB cable
1 x Quick start guide
1 x Pedestrian kit
NOTE: The packaging materials, such as the adhesive tape, plastic film, string and labels, are not part of this
WARNING: For your safety, please do not remove the screen's protective film, located under the
antistatic film (with tab). It protects your screen against slight scratches and provides optimum
protection if the phone is dropped.
Logicom accepts no responsibility for personal injury sustained following removal of the protective film by the
consumer. Note that this protective film does not increase the robustness of the product. For replacement of
the protective film, please consult a specialist Smartphone dealer.
Installation guide
1. Description of the Smartphone.
1 Front camera
2 Rear camera & flash
3 Volume
4 ON/OFF button
5 Jack
6 Micro USB port
7 Speakers
2. Inserting a SIM card
Your Smartphone is a mobile phone with dual SIM card, which enables you to use two lines on the same Smartphone.
Your smartphone has two Micro SIM ports (SIM 1 and SIM 2).
To insert the SIM card(s):
Switch off the phone and remove the rear cover and battery.
Insert the SIM card correctly into the relevant card slots (see figure below).
CAUTION : The 3G/4G function can only be used on one SIM card.
Then replace the battery and cover.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Logicom L-ITE 506 HD

Logicom L-ITE 506 HD Snelstart handleiding - Français - 33 pagina's

Logicom L-ITE 506 HD Snelstart handleiding - Français - 13 pagina's

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