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The symbol shown here and on the product means that the product is classed as Electrical or Electronic
Equipment and should not be disposed with other household or commercial waste at the end of its
working life.
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (2012/19/EU) has been put in place to
recycle products using best available recovery and recycling techniques to minimise the impact on the
environment, treat any hazardous substances and avoid the increasing landfill.
Product disposal instructions for residential users:
If you no longer use the device, remove and dispose of the battery, as well as the device, in compliance with the
local recycling procedures. For more information please contact your local authority or the retailer where the
product was purchased.
Product disposal instructions for business users:
Business users should contact their suppliers and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract and
ensure that this product is not mixed with other commercial waste for disposal.
The warranty scope of application
If you encounter any problems:
A contact form and complete FAQ are available on our website:
If none of these platforms does solve your problem, contact your retailer.
The LOGICOM supplier warranty is valid for normal use of the device as defined in the instructions.
This warranty excludes damage caused by external circumstances.
Specifically, the warranty does not apply if the device is damaged as a result of a bump or drop, an operating
error, a connection that does not comply with these instructions, lightning, a surge, or inadequate protection
against heat, humidity, or freezing temperatures.
The warranty is applicable only in metropolitan France.
• The warranty does not cover user manuals or applications, settings, content or data of any kind.
• The warranty does not cover normal usury of the product. (Screens, batteries and camera)
• The warranty does not cover damage to the product due to misuse, including in particular those caused by
objects, a pressure drop.
• The warranty does not cover any use of the label with the precautions outlined in the manual.
• The warranty does not cover defects caused to the product with another product connected or used with an
accessory or software not provided by British Telecom.
• The warranty does not cover any damage to the battery.
• The warranty does not cover the product or its accessories if it has been disassembled or modified in any
• The warranty does not cover any unidentifiable product by serial number or (s) number (s) IMEI. If its
elements have been removed, altered or defaced, the warranty does not apply.
• The warranty does not cover damage done to the product caused by exposure to moisture, conditions that
extreme heat or cold, corrosion, oxidation, with any liquid whatsoever.
• The warranty does not cover any damage to (s) player (s) or SIM MicroSD reader.
The legal warranty for hidden defects applies in compliance with Articles 1641 et seq. of the French Civil Code.
Made in PRC
© 2016 Logicom SA.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Logicom L-ITE 506 HD

Logicom L-ITE 506 HD Snelstart handleiding - Français - 33 pagina's

Logicom L-ITE 506 HD Snelstart handleiding - Français - 13 pagina's

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