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Market Name: Z1
Model: Z1221
Beijing SHENQI Technology Co.,Ltd (“SHENQI”)
Precautionary guidelines for mobile users
Mobile users are advised to take precautionary measures while
using a mobile handset as:
1. Keep distance – Hold the cell phone away from body to the
extent possible.
2. Use a headset (wired or Bluetooth) to keep the handset
away from your head.
3. Do not press the phone handset against your head. Radio
Frequency (RF) energy is inversely proportional to the
square of the distance from the source -- being very close
increases energy absorption much more.
4. Limit the length of mobile calls.
5. Use text as compared to voice wherever possible.
6. Put the cell phone on speaker mode.
7. If the radio signal is weak, a mobile phone will increase
its transmission power. Find a strong signal and avoid
movement – Use your phone where reception is good.
8. Metal & water are good conductors of radio waves so avoid
using a mobile phone while wearing metal-framed glasses
or having wet hair.
9. Let the call connect before putting the handset on your ear
or start speaking and listening – A mobile phone first makes
the communication at higher power and then reduces power
to an adequate level. More power is radiated during call
connecting time.
10. If you have a choice, use a landline (wired) phone, not a
mobile phone.
11. When your phone is ON, don't carry it in chest/breast or
pants pocket. When a mobile phone is ON, it automatically
transmits at high power every one or two minutes to check
(poll) the network.
12. Reduce mobile phone use by children as a younger person
will likely have a longer lifetime exposure to radiation from
cell phones.
13. People having active medical implants should preferably
keep the cell phone at least 15 cm away from the implant.
Position RegulationThe highest SAR value
Head 0.460 W/kg
0.733 W/kg
India 1g SAR Limit
(1.6 W/kg)
Specific Absorption Rate information
Your mobile phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. It meets
the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves.
The exposure standard for mobile phones employs a unit of
measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.
The India SAR limit for mobile phones is 1.6 W/kg averaged
over 1 gram of tissue. Tests for SAR are conducted using
standard operating positions with the phone transmitting at its
highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands.
The highest SAR value for your phone when tested for use at
the head and body is outlined as follows:
During use, the actual SAR values for this phone are usually
well below the values stated above. This is because, for
purposes of system efficiency and to minimize interference
on the network, the operating power of your mobile phone is
automatically decreased when full power is not needed for the
call. The lower the power output of the phone, the lower its
SAR value.
To meet RF exposure guidelines during body-worn operation,
the phone must be positioned at least 1.5 cm away from your
Safety, regulatory & handling information
This section contains important safety, regulatory and handling
information for your phone. Complete information, including
recycling and environmental information, is provided in the
Regulatory Notice.
Reading first — regulatory information
Be sure to read the Regulatory Notice for your country or
region before using the wireless devices contained in your
Mobile Phone. To obtain a PDF version of the Regulatory
Notice, see the “Downloading publications” section.
Operating temperature
Use your phone only in the temperature range of -10°C (14 °F)
40°C (104°F) to avoid damage.
General battery notice
Batteries supplied by Lenovo for use with your phone have
been tested for compatibility and should only be replaced with
approved parts. Dispose of used batteries according to the
Risk of explosion if the battery is replaced with an incorrect type.
Do not attempt to replace the internal rechargeable lithium ion
battery. Contact Lenovo Support for factory replacement.
Lenovo is not responsible for the performance or safety of
products not manufactured or approved by Lenovo. Use only
Lenovo-approved ac adapters and batteries. Adapters shall be
installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
Preventing hearing damage
CAUTION: Excessive sound pressure from earphones and headphones
can cause hearing loss.
Disposing according to local laws and regulations
When your phone reaches the end of its useful life, do not
crush, incinerate, immerse in water, or dispose of the phone
in any manner contrary to local laws and regulations. Some
internal parts contain substances that can explode, leak, or
have an adverse environmental effect if disposed of incorrectly.
Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
Lenovo declares that this product is in compliance with:
The essential requirements and other relevant provisions
of the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
Directive, 1999/5/EC
All other relevant EU directives
Your phone is restricted to indoor use when operating in the
5.15 to 5.35 GHz frequency band.
The Declaration of Conformity information is located in the
Regulatory Notice. To obtain a PDF version of the Regulatory
Notice, see the “Downloading publications” section.
Important WEEE information
Quick Start Guide
A Company
Printed in China
© Copyright Lenovo 2015.
FSC8C00006 YT

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