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Front view
Note: Your phone may look a little bit different from the images in this guide.
The images are for your reference only.
Low battery power Fully chargedCharging
Front camera
card tray
Fingerprint & Home button
Recent button
Back button
Type of
Country or
Region of
Warranty Period
India Handset - 1 year
Charger - 6 months
Earphone - 6 months
Embedded Battery (within the handset) –
1 year
or Removable Battery - 6 months
Warranty information
Lenovo Limited Warranty notice
Read the full Lenovo Limited Warranty at
http://support.lenovo.com/smartphone-llw. You can view the
full warranty in a number of languages from this Web site. If
you cannot view the full warranty either from the Web site or
from your phone, contact your local Lenovo office or reseller
to obtain a printed version of the full warranty.
IMPORTANT: Lenovo phone products do not have International Warranty
Warranty period and type of warranty service
Types of warranty service
1. Customer Replaceable Unit (“CRU”) Service
2. On-site Service
3. Courier or Depot Service
4. Customer Carry-In Service
5. Mail-in Service
6. Customer Two-Way Mail-in Service
7. Product Exchange Service
For a full explanation of the types of warranty service, refer to
the full warranty.
Service and support information
The following information describes the technical support that
is available for your product, during the warranty period or
throughout the life of your product. Refer to the Lenovo Limited
Warranty for a full explanation of Lenovo warranty terms. See
Lenovo Limited Warranty notice” later in this document for
details on accessing the full warranty.
Online technical support
Online technical support is available during the lifetime of a
product at http://www.lenovo.com/support.
Telephone technical support
Where applicable, you can get help and information from the
Customer Support Center by telephone. Before contacting
a Lenovo technical support representative, please have the
following information available: model and serial number, the
exact wording of any error message, and a description of the
Your technical support representative might want to walk you
through the problem while you are at your phone during the
Worldwide Lenovo Support telephone list
IMPORTANT: Telephone numbers are subject to change without notice.
The most up-to-date telephone list for the Customer Support Center is
always available at http://support.lenovo.com/supportphonelist.
The Customer Support Center phone number is subjected
to change. For the latest phone number, go to the e-support
website. If the telephone number for your country or region is
not listed, contact your Lenovo reseller or Lenovo marketing
Turning on or turning off your phone
Turn on Press and hold the Power button until the
screen lights up.
Turn off
Press and hold the Power button for a few
seconds, then tap Power off.
Press and hold the Power button for a few
seconds, then tap Reboot.
To force restart your phone, press and hold
the Power button for about 10 seconds.
Getting started
Installing the Nano-SIM card
A Nano-SIM card provided by your carrier is required in order to
use celluar services.
CAUTION: Use standard Nano-SIM cards only. Inserting a modified card
may cause the card to damage the card slot.
1. Insert the SIM eject tool that comes with your phone into the
hole in the Nano-SIM card tray.
2. Pull out the card tray and position one or two Nano-SIM
cards with the gold contacts facing down into the tray.
3. Insert the card tray back into the slot.
Charging the battery
Charge the battery by one of the following methods:
Connect your phone to a power outlet using the cable and
USB power adapter that come with your phone.
Connect your phone to a computer using the cable that
comes with your phone.
Taking screenshots
Press and hold the Power button and the volume down button
at the same time to take a screenshot.
To view the screenshots, open the Gallery app and find the
Screenshots album.
Downloading publications
To obtain the latest publications for your phone, go to
http://support.lenovo.com and follow the instructions on the
Back view
USB 3.0 Type-C port
Headset jack
Speaker Microphone

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