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or its after-sales department.
This device should not be used by young children, people who are insensitive to heat or on animals.
The device should not be used on a folding bed or on a bed, a section of which can be adjusted.
Examine the device frequently to check for any signs of damage to the product or signs of wear. If you notice signs of
wear or damage, stop using this product immediately and take it back to the supplier or the its after-sales department.
Diagram and description:
1) OFF button
2) Position “1” (1st setting)
3) Position “2” (2nd setting)
4) Position “3” (3rd setting)
5) Display screen
Operating the heated vest:
Put on the electric heated vest using the tether strap and Velcro for the neck. The light
side of the vest should be against your back.
Connect the plug to the socket at the bottom of the heated vest and the other end to an
electricity supply (AC220-240V). Make sure that there is a power socket nearby and that
the power cable is not in a position where the user may trip over it.
To pre-heat the heated vest, select the third setting for 15 minutes. The temperature will
gradually rise.
After pre-heating, turn the control button to the heat setting you require.
To turn the device off, turn the button to the “Off position.
Note: The Heated Vest is set to run continuously for 90 minutes. If you wish to
extend that time, it is advisable to let the heated vest cool down for 5 minutes before using it again.
When you are not using the electric heated vest and before cleaning it, follow the instructions below:
- Make sure the control button is in the “OFF» position.
- Disconnect the power supply.
- Disconnect the plug linking the control to the device.
- Let the heated vest cool down before cleaning.
The photographs and other images of the product in this manual and on the packaging are as accurate as possible, but
do not claim to be a perfect reproduction of the product.
Small stains can be cleaned with a cloth or a damp sponge and, if necessary, with a little liquid detergent for delicate
Warning: the electric heated vest should not be dry-cleaned, bent, dried in a dryer or machine-pressed or ironed.
If the heated vest is very dirty, it can be washed in a washing machine. Set it to the 30°C programme for delicate fabrics.
Use a detergent for delicate fabrics and measure it out according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Do not wash the heated vest too often to avoid excessive wear and tear. The heated vest should not be washed in the
washing machine more than 5 times during its life.
When drying the heated vest, do not hang it up with clothes pegs or other such devices.
Do not expose the heated vest to heat sources such as the sun, a radiator, etc.
Only reconnect the power cable to the heated vest when the plug and the vest are completely dry.
Heating Blanket for Back

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