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Thank you for choosing the LANAFORM® “Heating Blanket for your Back” heated vest.
LANAFORM’s “Heating Blanket for your Back” heated vest, has undergone the rigorous testing required under current
European standards. Furthermore, the heated vest has phased temperature control that lets you warm yourself in winter
and in damp weather.
To prevent the risk of burns, electrocution, fire or injury:
Only use this device according to the instructions given in this manual.
This device is not intended for use by people (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities,
or persons with lack of experience or knowledge, unless a person responsible for their safety can supervise or instruct
them beforehand on how to use the device. Children should be supervised to make sure they do not play with the
Do not use accessories that are not recommended by LANAFORM® or that are not supplied with this device.
If the power cable is damaged, it must be replaced by a special or similar cable available from the supplier or the latter’s
after sales department.
Do not use this device if the power plug is damaged, if the device is not working properly, has been dropped on the floor
or if it is damaged or has been dropped into water. Have the device examined and repaired by the supplier or its after-
sales department.
Do not carry this device by its power cable or use the cable as a handle.
Always unplug the device after use or before cleaning.
Unplug a device that has fallen into water immediately before retrieving it.
An electrical device must never remain plugged in without supervision. Unplug it when you are not using it.
Use your heated vest only with the electrical plug provided.
Do not fold the power cable and do not use the heated vest when it is creased, rolled up or folded.
Never use this device in a room where aerosols (sprays) are used or in a room or where oxygen is being administered.
To disconnect the device, turn the button to the «OFF» position, then remove the plug from the mains.
Do not use safety pins, do not scratch the heated vest with a sharp object and do not beat it with a blunt object. Do not
attach the device with pins or other metal objects. Never let anything drop or insert any object into any openings.
Do not expose your heated vest to the sun and do not iron it. This will prevent damage to the insulation of the electrical
This device is not intended to be used in a hospital environment, but for use in the home only.
Do not use the heated vest with other heating devices or to heat other devices (hot-water bottle, electric blanket, etc.).
If you are concerned about your health, consult a doctor before using this appliance.
If you experience any pain when using this device, stop using it immediately and consult your doctor.
Never use this device on a body part that is swollen or inflamed or if you have a skin rash.
The remote control must remain within reach, do not leave the switch hidden under a pillow or any other object.
Do not wash the heated vest too often to avoid excessive wear and tear. The heated vest should not be washed in the
washing machine more than 5 times during its life.
Do not use the device when it is damp and do not turn it on to dry it.
When storing your heated best for a long period, store it in a dry place. Carefully check its condition before operating it
again for the first time. If the power cable appears damaged, do not operate the device and take it back to the supplier

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