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Notes for Cleaning
When removing a shelf or drawer from inside
the appliance, remove all stored foods from
the shelf or drawer to prevent injury or
damage to the appliance.
Otherwise, injury may occur due to the
weight of stored foods.
If cleaning the outside air vents of the
appliance by means of vacuuming, then the
power cord should be unplugged from the
outlet to avoid any static discharge that can
damage the electronics or cause an electric
Detach the shelves and drawers and clean
them with water, and then dry them
sufficiently, before replacing them.
Regularly wipe the door gaskets with a wet
soft towel.
Door basket spills and stains should be
cleaned as they can compromise storage
ability of the basket and could even be
After cleaning, check if the power cable is
damaged, warm or improperly plugged.
Keep the air vents on the exterior of the
appliance clean.
Blocked air vents can cause fire or appliance
Waxing external painted metal surfaces helps
provide rust protection. Do not wax plastic
parts. Wax painted metal surfaces at least
twice a year using appliance wax (or auto
paste wax). Apply wax with a clean, soft cloth.
When cleaning the inside or outside of the
appliance, do not wipe it with a rough brush,
toothpaste, or flammable materials. Do not
use cleaning agents containing flammable
This may cause discoloration or damage to
the appliance.
Flammable substances: alcohol (ethanol,
methanol, isopropyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol,
etc.), thinner, bleach, benzene, flammable
liquid, abrasive, etc.
For the appliance exterior, use a clean sponge
or soft cloth and a mild detergent in warm
water. Do not use abrasive or harsh cleaners.
Dry thoroughly with a soft cloth.
Never clean the shelves or containers in the
The parts may become deformed due to the
If the appliance is equipped with an LED
lamp, do not remove lamp cover and LED
lamp in any attempt to repair or service it.
Please, contact an LG Electronics customer
information centre.
Cleaning the Condenser
Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush to clean the
condenser cover and vents. Do not remove the
panel covering the condenser coil area.
Replacing the Pure N Fresh
Filter ( * )
To maintain the performance of the Pure N
Fresh filter, if a message indicating the filter
replacement is displayed, replace the filter as
soon as possible.
If Replace icon lights on the control panel,
replace the Pure N Fresh filter.

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Andere handleiding(en) van LG GSX961

LG GSX961 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 48 pagina's

LG GSX961 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 46 pagina's

LG GSX961 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Alle talen - 1250 pagina's

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