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Wi-Fi Function
Communicate with the appliance from a smart
phone using the convenient smart features.
Firmware Update
Keep the appliance performance updated.
Smart Diagnosis™
If you use the Smart Diagnosis function, you will
be provided with the useful information such as
a correct way of using the appliance based on
the pattern of use.
Allows you to set various options on the
refrigerator and in the application.
If you change your wireless router, Internet
service provider, or password, delete the
registered appliance from the LG SmartThinQ
application and register it again.
The application is subject to change for
appliance improvement purposes without
notice to users.
Functions may vary by model.
Connecting to Wi-Fi
The Wi-Fi button, when used with the LG
SmartThinQ application, allows the appliance to
connect to a home Wi-Fi network. The Wi-Fi
icon shows the status of the appliance’s
network connection. The icon illuminates when
the appliance is connected to the Wi-Fi network.
Initial Appliance Registration
Run the LG SmartThinQ application and follow
the instructions in the application to register the
Re-registering the Appliance or
Registering Another User
Press and hold the Wi-Fi button for 3 seconds
to temporarily turn it off. Run the LG
SmartThinQ application and follow the
instructions in the application to register the
To disable the Wi-Fi function, press and hold
the Wi-Fi button for 3 seconds. Wi-Fi icon will
be turned off.
Wireless LAN Module
Model LCW-004
2412 to 2472 MHz
IEEE 802.11b:17.82 dBm
IEEE 802.11g:17.72 dBm
IEEE 802.11n:16.61 dBm
Wireless function S/W version : V 1.0
For consideration of the user, this device should
be installed and operated with a minimum
distance of 20 cm between the device and the
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, LG Electronics declares that the radio
equipment type Refrigerator is in compliance
with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the
EU declaration of conformity is available at the
following internet address:
LG Electronics European Shared Service
Centre B.V.
Krijgsman 1
1186 DM Amstelveen
The Netherlands

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Andere handleiding(en) van LG GSX961

LG GSX961 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 48 pagina's

LG GSX961 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 46 pagina's

LG GSX961 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Alle talen - 1250 pagina's

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