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Using LG SmartThinQ
For appliances with the or logo
Things to check before using LG
Check the distance between the appliance
and the wireless router (Wi-Fi network).
If the distance between the appliance and
the wireless router is too far, the signal
strength becomes weak. It may take a
long time to register or installation may
Turn off the Mobile data or Cellular Data
on your smartphone.
For iPhones, turn data off by going to
Settings Cellular Cellular Data.
Connect your smartphone to the wireless
To verify the Wi-Fi connection, check that
Wi-Fi icon on the control panel is lit.
The appliance supports 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
networks only. To check your network
frequency, contact your Internet service
provider or refer to your wireless router
LG SmartThinQ is not responsible for any
network connection problems or any faults,
malfunctions, or errors caused by network
If the appliance is having trouble connecting to
the Wi-Fi network, it may be too far from the
router. Purchase a Wi-Fi repeater (range
extender) to improve the Wi-Fi signal strength.
The Wi-Fi connection may not connect or may
be interrupted because of the home network
The network connection may not work
properly depending on the Internet service
The surrounding wireless environment can
make the wireless network service run slowly.
The appliance cannot be registered due to
problems with the wireless signal
transmission. Unplug the appliance and wait
about a minute before trying again.
If the firewall on your wireless router is
enabled, disable the firewall or add an
exception to it.
The wireless network name (SSID) should be
a combination of English letters and numbers.
(Do not use special characters.)
Smartphone user interface (UI) may vary
depending on the mobile operating system
(OS) and the manufacturer.
If the security protocol of the router is set to
WEP, you may fail to set up the network.
Please change it to other security protocols
(WPA2 is recommended) and register the
product again.
Installing LG SmartThinQ
Search for the LG SmartThinQ application from
the Google Play Store or Apple App Store on a
smart phone. Follow instructions to download
and install the application.

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Andere handleiding(en) van LG GSX961

LG GSX961 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 48 pagina's

LG GSX961 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 46 pagina's

LG GSX961 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Alle talen - 1250 pagina's

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