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Indoor/outdoor wiring connections must
be secured tightly and the cable should
be routed properly so that there is no
force pulling the cable from the
connection terminals.
• Improper or loose connections can cause
heat generation or fire.
Safely dispose off the packing materials.
Like screws, nails, batteries, broken
things etc after installation or svc and
then tear away and throw away the
plastic packaging bags.
• Children may play with them and cause
Make sure to check that the power cable
plug is not dirty, loose or broken and
then only insert the plug completely.
• Dirty, loose or broken power plug can
cause electric shock or fire.
Be sure to check the refrigerant to be
used. Please read the label on the product.
• Incorrect refrigerant used can prevent the
normal operation of the unit.
Don't use a power cord, a plug or a loose
socket which is damaged.
• Otherwise it may cause a fire or electrical
Do not touch , operate, or repair the
product with wet hands. Hold the plug by
hand when taking out
• There is risk of electric shock or fire.
Do not place a heater or other heating
appliances near the power cable.
• There is risk of fire and electric shock.
Do not allow water to run into electric parts.
Install the unit away from water sources.
• There is risk of fire, failure of the product, or
electric shock.
Do not store or use or even allow flammable
gas or combustibles near the product.
• There is risk of fire.
Do not use the product in a tightly closed
space for a long time. Perform ventilation
• Oxygen deficiency could occur and hence
harm your health.
Do not open the front grille of the product
during operation. (Do not touch the
electrostatic filter, if the unit is so equipped.)
• There is risk of physical injury, electric shock,
or product failure.
If strange sound, smell or smoke comes
from product.Immediately turn the breaker
off or disconnect the power supply cable.
• There is risk of electric shock or fire.
Ventilate the product room from time to
time when operating it together with a
stove, or heating element etc.
• Oxygen deficiency can occur and hence harm
your health.
Turn the main power off and unplug the
unit when cleaning or repairing the
• There is risk of electric shock.
When the product is not to be used for a
long time, disconnect the power supply
plug or turn off the breaker.
• There is risk of product damage or failure, or
unintended operation.
Take care to ensure that nobody
especially kids could step on or fall onto
the outdoor unit.
• This could result in personal injury and
product damage.
Take care to ensure that power cable
could not be pulled out or damaged
during operation.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Do not place ANYTHING on the power
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Two or more people must lift and
transport the product.
• Avoid personal injury.
Do not install the product where it will be
exposed to sea wind (salt spray) directly.
• It may cause corrosion on the product.
Install the drain hose to ensure that the
condensed water is drained away properly.
• A bad connection may cause water leakage.
Keep level even when installing the
• To avoid vibration or noise.
Do not install the product where the noise
or hot air from the outdoor unit could
damage or disturb the neighborhoods.
• It may cause a problem for your neighbors
and hence dispute.
Always check for gas (refrigerant)
leakage after installation or repair of
• Low refrigerant levels may cause failure of
Safety Precautions
4 Air Conditioner
Do not plug or unplug the power supply
plug to turn the unit ON/OFF .
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
When flammable gas leaks, turn off the
gas and open a window for ventilation
befor turning on the product.
• Do not use the telephone or turn switches on
or off. There is risk of explosion or fire.
For inner cleaning, contact an
Authorized Service Center or a dealer.
Do not use harsh detergent that causes
corrosion or damage on the unit.
Harsh detergent may also cause failure
of product, fire, or electronic shock.

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LG CS24AQ Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 23 pagina's

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