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Thank you for purchasing this Kyocera product.
The KYOCERA Finecam SL300R is a powerful, high-resolution digital camera featuring an
ultra-slim body and 3 optical zoom lens.
Before using the camera, please read this Instruction Manual carefully to ensure that you
use the camera correctly and continue to enjoy this Kyocera product for many years to
Make it a practice to take test shots before beginning any important photography session, in
order to confirm that images are being recorded properly. Kyocera will not be held
responsible for failure of photographs to be recorded or transmitted to a computer as the
result of any defects in recording media (SD memory card or Multi-Media Card (MMC)).
Photographs taken of professional performances, exhibitions, displays, or copyrighted
materials may be used only for your own personal enjoyment, and only with the consent of
the copyright holders. Other use may constitute violation of applicable copyright laws. Be
aware that some performances, exhibitions, or displays may impose restrictions on
photographic or other recording even when the purpose of such recordings are personal
The SD logo is a registered trademark.
is a registered trademark of Infineon Technologies AG (Germany),
licensed to MMCA (MultiMediaCard Association).
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States and/or other countries.
Macintosh, Mac OS, QuickTime
, and the QuickTime logo are registered trademarks of
Apple Computer, Inc.
PRINT Image Matching is trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. The PRINT Image
Matching logo is a trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.
All other corporate and brand names are the registered trademarks or trademarks of their
respective owners.
PRINT Image Matching
* This product supports PRINT Image Matching II. When used in combination, PRINT
Image Matching II enabled digital still cameras, printers and software help photographers
to produce images more faithful to their intentions.
Test Photos and Warranties
Notes on Copyright
Finecam_E.book Page 3 Thursday, August 28, 2003 6:21 PM

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