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Memory card
A recording medium that uses flash memory on which data can be electrically erased
(rewritten). SD memory cards and Multimedia cards can be used with this camera.
MF (Manual Focus)
Focusing performed manually rather than using AF.
Program AE
This is a type of AE in which the camera automatically selects a combination of shutter
speed and aperture setting according to the brightness of the subject.
Shooting mark
The “
” mark displayed on the LCD monitor when the camera is ready to take the picture.
Shutter speed
This refers to the time for which the shutter opens and allows the light for the picture to
strike the film or CCD.
This term refers to the person or object photographed by the camera. In portrait shots, the
subject is the person. In shots of landscapes, the subject is the scenery.
TFT color LCD monitor
Refers to an LCD monitor that uses a thin film transistor (TFT). TFT monitors provide good
resolution and excellent responsiveness.
White balance
To the human eye, the light from a white incandescent light globe or a fluorescent tube does
not appear to differ particularly from sunlight. In fact, however, they are a quite different in
color from the light of the sun. Without some adjustment, shots taken under an
incandescent light globe have an orange cast, while shots taken under fluorescent lights
have a blue or green cast. There is a range of methods for correcting the color casts caused
by different light sources, but on digital cameras a white subject is used as a reference. For
this reason, the function is referred to as “white balance”.
Zoom lens
This is a lens in which the photography scale can be changed gradually. In a zoom lens, the
photography scale is varied by gradually changing the focal length.
This refers to the gradual changing of the photography scale. Gradual enlargement of the
subject is called “zooming in”, while gradual reduction of the subject is called “zooming out”.
Finecam_E.book Page 11 Thursday, August 28, 2003 6:21 PM

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