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- 5 -
Ensure that you hold ONLY the cutting unit 2 under
the flow of water! The hand element of this Men‘s
Shaver is protected only against spray water, it
could be irreparably damaged if it is held under
running water.
3. Allow the cutting unit 2 to dry out completely
before using the razor again.
Thorough cleaning
For a thorough cleaning remove the cutting unit 2:
1. Press the release button 3. The cutting unit 2
springs up.
2. Extend the cutting unit 2 a little, so that it allows
itself to be pulled upwards.
3. Press the pin marked with arrows in the middle of
the cutters 2 down a little. Carefully turn it the
direction of the arrows until the mounting of the
cutters allows itself to be lifted (see illustration).
4. Clean all parts under running water and then
allow them to dry completely.
5. Reassembly of the cutters 2. To secure it, press
the pin marked with arrows in the middle of the
cutters 2 down and then turn it in the direction
of the arrows until the mounting of the cutters no
longer allows itself to be lifted.
6. Remove any loose hairs on the cutting unit with
the brush 9.
7. Replace the cutting unit 2 back onto the Men‘s
Shaver. Ensure that it engages and sits firmly.
Clean the housing and the power adapter 0
with a moist cloth.
Clean the long-hair trimmer w after every use
with the brush 9. Lubricate the long-hair trimmer w
approx. every 6 months with a drop of sewing
machine oil.
Never keep the Men‘s Shaver in its storage case 8
when the battery is being charged! Risk of overhea-
if you do not intend to use the Men‘s Shaver for an ex-
tended period, or you are transporting it, place it in
its storage case 8. Ensure that the Men‘s Shaver is
clean and completely dry.
Store the Men‘s Shaver at a clean and dry location.
IB_KH5540_32925_LB6 05.06.2009 12:19 Uhr Seite 5

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