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Important safety information
Operating temperature
Use this phone in environmental temperatures between -10 °C and 40 °C.
Use only the supplied or approved battery. Using an unapproved battery may cause your phone to explode and
result in serious damage to your health or property.
Use only the supplied or approved charger to charge the battery.
Don’t short-circuit the battery by connecting metal objects to the battery’s positive (+) and negative (-) terminals.
Doing so may cause the battery to generate heat and result in burns or property damage.
Don’t disassemble the battery or throw the battery in fire as it may explode.
Electrical safety
Use only the charger supplied with your phone. Using an unapproved charger may cause malfunction and
Connect the charger to a proper electric socket and power source. The voltage requirements are found on the
product packaging.
Don’t place heavy objects on the charger or USB cable.
Keep good ventilation during charging. Don’t cover the charger with paper or objects that will reduce cooling.
Don’t use the charger when it is inside a carrying case.
Don’t use the charger in a highly humid environment.
Never touch the charger with wet hands.
Don’t use the charger or USB cable if they are broken or damaged.
Don’t attempt to repair the charger. Replace the charger if it is damaged or exposed to excessive moisture.
Consult with the Kogan customer service center for help and maintenance.
NOTE: Read the safety information carefully before using your phone. Failure to observe these
instructions may result in damage to, or loss of, personal property, bodily injury, or even death.
Don’t make or receive handheld calls while driving. Keep away from pacemakers and other electronic
medical devices.
Never text while driving. Don’t dispose of your phone in fire.
Don’t use your phone at petrol stations. Avoid contact with any magnetic object.
Keep your phone at least 1.5 cm from the head during
Don’t disassemble your phone.
Turn off your phone before boarding an airplane,
where the use of wireless devices is prohibited.
Switch off when asked to in hospitals and medical
Don’t look directly into your phone’s flash. Avoid contact with liquids. Keep your phone dry.
Switch off when near explosive materials or liquids. Don’t rely on your phone for emergency
Only use the supplied or approved accessories. Don’t expose your phone or its accessories to extreme
Keep your phone and accessories away from small
children. Small parts are a choking hazard.
Don’t hold your phone close to your ear while using the
loudspeaker. Your phone can produce a loud sound
and may damage your hearing.
NOTE: To prevent hearing damage, don’t listen at high volume levels (above 100 dB) for long periods
(over 30 minutes).
NOTE: Your phone has a non-removable battery. Don’t attempt to remove the battery.

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