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9.0 General
Calculation of speed
With exercise machine, Racer, Crossbike:
60 pedal rotations result in a speed of 21.3 km/h.
With Cross Trainers:
60 pedal rotations result in a speed of 9.5 km/h.
Calculation of kilojoules
The calculation is based on the medium load level and only changes
through variation of the pedal frequency.
From a sport medicine point, with bicycling there is the following energy
consumption: 1 hour bicycling at 24 km/h uses 1680 kJ – 1 kilometer re-
sults in 70 kilojoules.
Cross Training the following energy consumption: 1 hour cross training at
9.5 km/h uses 3344 kJ – 1 kilometer results in 352 kilojoules.
Fitness grade calculation
The computer calculates and assesses the difference between load pulse
and recovery pulse and your resulting “fitness grade“ according to the fol-
lowing formula:
Mark (F) = 6 –
10 x (P1-P2)
P1 = load pulse P2 = recovery pulse
Grade 1 = very good Grade 6 = insufficient
The comparison of load and recovery pulse is a simple and quick possi-
bility to check your body fitness. The fitness grade is an orientation value
for your recovery ability after a physical load. Before you press the reco-
very pulse key and determine your fitness grade, you should exercise in
your load area for a longer period of time, that is at least 10 minutes.
With regular cardiovascular exercising, you will determine that your “fitn-
ess grade“ will improve.
Average value calculation
For the calculation of the average value of speed, pedal rotations and pul-
se, all exercising intervals are taken into consideration until the “reset“ fun-
ction is activated or the “temperature“ display appears.
Notes for measuring the pulse
The pulse calculation begins if the heart in the display blinks with the tact
of your pulse.
With hand pulse (not with Racer and Crossbike)
After pressing the recovery key, quickly clasp again the hand pulse sen-
sors or else the measuring of the pulse will be interrupted.
Avoid disturbing impulses.
A low voltage caused by the contraction of the heart will be registered
through the hand sensors and evaluated by the electronics.
Always clasp the contact surfaces with both hands.
Avoid jerky clasping.
Hold your hands quietly and avoid contractions and rubbing of the
contact surfaces.
With ear clip
The pulse sensor works with infrared light and measures the changes of
the transparency of your skin which are caused by your pulse. Before you
put the pulse sensors on your earlobe, rub it strongly 10 times to increase
the circulation.
Avoid disturbing impulses.
Carefully attach the ear clip to your earlobe and look for a good point
for the measurement (the heart symbol blinks without interruption).
Do not exercise directly with strong lights (e.g. neon light, halogen
light, spots, sunlight).
Avoid in any case shaking or instability of the ear sensor including the
cable. Using a clamp, always attach the cable to your clothing or even
better to a headband.
With chest belt
Read the corresponding instructions.
Disturbances in the pulse display
Check the battery voltage of the electronics and the chest belt.
Disturbances with the exercise computer
Note the kilometer status. With unusual behavior with the exercise com-
puter, take out the batteries, check the battery voltage and reinsert the bat-
teries. The stored full kilometers are lost when the batteries are changed.
10. Exercise instructions
For your own safety
Before beginning exercising, check with your doctor to make sure that
you are healthy enough to exercise with this device. The medical finding
should be the basis for the design of your exercise program. The wrong
or excessive exercising can damage your health.
This exercise machine was developed especially for the leisure athlete. It
is excellent for cardiovascular exercises.
The exercising is to be designed methodically according to the principles
of endurance exercises. In particular changes and adjustments in the car-
diovascular system are generated. This includes sinking the relaxation pul-
se and the load pulse.
Thus for the heart there is more time for filling the heart chambers and the
circulation of the heart muscle (through heart coronary arteries). Further-
more, the intensity of breathing and the amount of air which can be in-
haled (vital capacity) increases. Further positive changes take place in the
metabolic system. In order to reach these positive changes, you have to
plan exercising according to certain guidelines.
On the intensity of exercise
The intensity with exercising with the exercise machine is regulated on one
hand through the pedal frequency and on the other hand through the pe-
daling resistance. The pedaling resistance determines the end of exerci-
sing with the brake force adjustment on the steering column. You should
always make sure that you don’t overstrain yourself and avoid overloa-
ding yourself in view of the intensity. The wrong or excessive exercising
can lead to health damages.
Therefore control while exercising based on your pulse frequency if you
have determined your exercise intensity correctly. A basic rule for the sui-
table pulse frequency is:
180 minus age
This means that e.g. a 50 year old person should determine their endu-
rance exercises with a pulse frequency of 130.
Exercise recommendations based on this calculation is considered to be
reasonable by numerous accredited sport physicians. Therefore you
should set the pedal frequency and the pedal resistance when exercising
in such a way that you reach your optimal pulse frequency according to
the above named rule.
These recommendations are not only valid for healthy persons and are not
valid for people with cardiovascular diseases!
On the load amount
The beginner only gradually increases the load amount of his exercises.
The first exercise units should be relatively short and in intervals.
On the part of sport medicine, the following load factors are observed as
fitness positive:
Beginners should not begin with an exercise unit of 30 – 60 minutes.
The beginner exercises can be conceived in the following manner in the
first 4 weeks:
Frequency Duration
daily 10 min
2-3 times weekly 20-30 min
1-2 times weekly 30-60 min

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