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Training and operating instructions
At the end of the 12 minute workout, the program
will give an evaluation of training success using the
calculated pulse data. This is displayed analogously
to the recovery setting with F1 corresponding to the
best and F6 the worst score respectively.
If the fitness score F1 is achieved in less than 12
minutes, the program will automatically stop the
workout session.
Training > PROGRAM
Preset programs for your training
In the training enter PROGRAM you can select one
of 12 different factory-pre-set training programs:
By turning the turning knob upwards or downwards,
you can move from one program to the next. The
alternating display shows the program number (P1-
12) for about 1 second and then the route profile in
blinking form. Via the ENTER key you confirm your
selection, or select another program via UP and/or
If you have selected your program, you can additio-
nally enter a default value [TIME, DISTANCE, CALO-
Press the ENTER key to reach the respective next set-
ting possibility. Training start by pressing the START
key and active training.
Via the UP and DOWN turning knob, the entire
route profile can be increased or reduced either
prior to the start of or during the training. By means
of the set training period (TIME), the computer
counts the training progress in the route profile (bar
graph from left to right with a blinking bar. If the
pre-set value [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES or
PULSE] is reached, an acoustic signal will sound for
8 seconds. The training data is not counted further.
You have reached your training target! By pressing
the START key, it is also possible to continue your

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Andere handleiding(en) van Kettler 07648-500 Cross P

Kettler 07648-500 Cross P Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch, English - 16 pagina's

Kettler 07648-500 Cross P Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 32 pagina's

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