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Pre-setting of target value
Setting of target values is the same with all parameters: e.g.
1. Press the MODE button until the name
>DISTANCE< flashes in the display
2. Short pressing of the button UP increases the value, e.g.
DISTANCE, in 0.1 km steps. When keeping the UP button
pressed, increasing steps will be larger. If a high value is to
be set, then the DOWN button can also be used to directly
jump from the minimum value to the maximum value: e.g.
from DISTANCE 0.00 to 99.90 K
3. If you want to reduce the target value, press the DOWN button
(for a short or long time).
4. When the target value is set, press the MODE button. The
value is then stored, and you can access the next function,
5. If possible, only enter one pre-set value, because otherwise
the exercise targets may overlap, e.g. when reaching the pre-
set time target earlier than the pre-set load target.
6. The other parameters [TIME, CALORIES or PULSE] are also
set as stated in 1-4 using the buttons SET, RESET and MODE.
After completion of all pre-settings, press the START/STOP
button and start exercising.
During exercising all current values are displayed next to each
other. The pre-set value is counted downwards to >0<.
5. Exercising
After switching on the device (see chapter 1) the
program line in the central display area flashes.
You can also access the program line by shortly
pressing the RESET button; there will be no restart
of the computer.
Select the exercise program (MANUAL, PROGRAM, USER
or H.R.C.) using the buttons UP and DOWN, and confirm
selection with the MODE button.
If the selected exercise mode is MANUAL, PROGRAM or
USER, and you pre-set a target value for heart rate, then the
computer will make an optical and acoustic alert as soon as
the current heart rate value reaches the target value.
Exercise > MANUAL Manual exercising
The load profile is equally dis-
played in a line. All pre-settings can
be individually made. [TIME,
For efficient exercising it is sufficient
to set a target value for only one
pre-setting [TIME; DISTANCE,
CALORIES or PULSE]. Start exer-
cising by pressing the START button and active exercising.
Duration of manual exercising is determined by the time pre-setting
under TIME.
The buttons UP and DOWN can be used to increase or decrease
the load profile before or during exercise. Note! The load levels
are respectively increased by 1 (L1, L2, L3 …L32); bar increase
is made in blocks of 4, i.e. L1-L4 = 1 bar, L5-L8 = 2 bars, L9-
L12 = 3 bars, etc.
Functions and Operation of the Training Computer
During exercising, the computer counts exercise progress using
the vertical flashing bar in the load profile (bar diagram) from
left to right. If the pre-set value [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES
or PULSE] is reached, an acoustic signal will sound for 8
seconds. Exercise data in the bar diagram and in the counter
units [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES, PULSE] are not counter
further. You have reached the exercise target! When pressing
the START button, you can restart exercising with the pre-set target
or with a new setting [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES, PULSE].
Exercise > PROGRAM Preset exercise programs
In exercise mode PROGRAM you
can select between 12 pre-set
exercise programs with various
load profiles.
Duration of the program is deter-
mined by the time pre-setting
under TIME.
You can change between the pro-
grams by pressing the buttons UP
or DOWN. When pressing
DOWN at P1 you can directly
access P12. The display will show
the program number (P1-P12) for approx. 1 second; then the
load profile will be displayed flashing. Press the button MODE
to confirm your selection, or select another program by pressing
After selecting a program, you can also set a pre-setting value
[TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES or PULSE]. For efficient exer-
cising it is sufficient to set a target value for only one pre-setting
[TIME; DISTANCE, CALORIES or PULSE]. Start exercising by
pressing the START button and starting with active exercising.
During exercise, the buttons UP and DOWN can be used to
increase or decrease the currently displayed and flashing load
level > graphic display.
During exercising, the computer
counts exercise progress using
the vertical flashing bar in the
load profile (bar diagram) from
left to right. If the pre-set value
PULSE] is reached, an acoustic
signal will sound for 8 seconds.
Exercise data in the bar diagram and in the counter units [TIME,
DISTANCE, CALORIES, PULSE] are not counter further. You
have reached the exercise target! When pressing the START
button, you can restart exercising with the pre-set target or with

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Kettler 07638-500 Giro GT Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanõl, Polski, Dansk - 28 pagina's

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