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Speaker placement
Front speakers : Place to the front left and right of the listening
position. Front speakers are required for all surround modes.
Center speaker : Place front and center. This speaker stabilizes the
sound image and helps recreate sound motion. Required for surround
Surround speakers : Place to the direct left and right, or slightly
behind, the listening position at even heights, approximately 1 meter
above the ears of the listeners. These speakers recreate sound
motion and atmosphere. Required for surround playback.
Subwoofer : Reproduces powerful deep bass sounds.
Although the ideal surround system consists of all the speakers
listed above, if you don't have a center speaker or a subwoofer, you
can divide those signals between the available speakers in the
speaker settings steps to obtain the best possible surround
reproduction from the speakers you have available. &
Cassette deck
or MD recorder
CD player
Record player
Connecting system control cords after connecting a KENWOOD
audio component system lets you take advantage of convenient
system control operations.
This unit is compatible only with the [SL-16] mode. The system
control operation is not available if the unit is connected in the
[XS8], [XS], or [XR] connection mode.
If your component has the mode select switch, set the connected
components to the [SL16] mode.
You may connect the system control cord to either the up or down
EXAMPLE: [SL16] mode connections
The underlined portion represents the setting of the system control
In order to take advantage of the system control operations, the
components must be connected to the correct jacks. To use a CD
player it must be connected to the CD jacks. To use a cassette deck
(or MD recorder) it must be connected to the MD/TAPE jacks.
When using more than one CD player (etc.) only the one connected
to the specified jacks may be connected for system control.
Some CD players and cassette decks are not compatible with the
[SL16] system control mode. Do not make system connections
with equipment that is not [SL16] compatible.
Some MD players are not system control compatible. You cannot
make system control connections to this kind of equipment.
1. [SL16] equipment cannot be combined with [XR], [XS], and [XS8]
equipment for system operations. If your equipment consists of
this kind of combination, please do not connect any system control
cords. Even without system control cords, normal operations can
be carried out without affecting performance.
2. Do not connect system control cords to any components other
than those specified by KENWOOD. It may cause a malfunction
and damage your equipment.
3. Be sure the system control plugs are inserted all the way in to the
system control terminals.
Connecting the system control
Setting up the system
Remote Control
Lets you operate this unit with the system remote supplied with the
Automatic Operation
When you start playback from a source component, the input selector
on this unit switches to that component automatically.
Synchronized Recording
Lets you synchronize recording with the start of playback when
recording from CD, MD or analog discs.
SL16] [XS] [XS8] [XR]
SL16] [XS] [XS8]
Center speaker
*5339/09-16/EN 10/1/03, 8:34 PM16

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Andere handleiding(en) van Kenwood KRF-V5070D

Kenwood KRF-V5070D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

Kenwood KRF-V5070D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Italiano, Espanôl - 180 pagina's

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