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3.2 Maintenance of the wire feed mechanism
Parts of the welding gun and wire liner
12789 3
1 9580101
10, 11
2 9591010
3 9876634
0.6 mm
4 9876635
0.8 mm
5 9876633
0.9 mm
6 9876636
1.0 mm
7 9580173
8 9591079
9 4153040
10 4307650
0.6–1.0 mm (Fe, CuSi)
11 4307660
0.6–1.0 mm (Ss, Al)
Service the wire feed mechanism at least every time the spool is changed.
• Check the wear of the feed roll groove and change the feed roll when necessary.
• Carefully clean the welding gun wire liner with dry compressed air.
NOTE! When using compressed air pistols, ensure you are wearing adequate safety equipment
including, suitable work clothing, gloves and eye protection. Never direct compressed air pistols or
the end of the liner at your skin, face or others in the vicinity.
Cleaning the wire liner
Pressure of the feed rolls remove metal dust from the ller wires surface which then travels
in the wire liner inside the gun cable. If the wire liner is not cleaned, it gradually clogs up,
increasing drag, impairing wire feed performance and weld quality. Ultimately this will cause
wire feed malfunctions. Clean the liner in the following manner:
1. Remove the welding guns gas nozzle, contact tip and contact tip adapter.
2. With a pneumatic pistol, blow dry and ltered compressed air through the wire liner.
3. Clean the wire feed mechanism and spool housing with compressed air.
4. Reassemble the welding gun. Firmly tighten the contact tip and contact tips adapter.
Replacing the wire liner
If the wire liner is too worn or totally clogged, replace it with a new one according to the
following instructions. You should also replace wire liner with a plastic one, if you mainly use
stainless steel or aluminium wire.
1. Disconnect the welding gun cable from the machine as follows.
a. Disconnect the gun's power cable xing clamp by opening the screws.
b. Disconnect the gun's power cable from the machines pole.
c. Disconnect the connector of the trigger conductors from the machine.
d. Open the guns mounting nut.
e. Extract the gun gently from the machine whereupon all parts come through the
cable hole.
2. Open the mounting nut of the wire liner, which exposes the end of the wire liner.
3. Straighten the welding gun cable and withdraw the wire liner from the gun cable.
4. Push a new wire liner into the gun. Make sure that the liner enters all the way into the contact
tips adapter and that there is an O-ring at the machine end of the guide.
MinarcMig Evo 170, Evo 200

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