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You can change the gun selection by pressing buttons P3 and P4 again, as above. With a
liquid-cooled gun selected, the liquid cooling function is started when the power source is
started the next time.
2.2.6 Retrieving weld data
The weld data function allows you to return to the welding current and voltage used during
the previous session, with the weld data feature. To use the feature, press buttons P4 and P5
2.2.7 Selecting the welding process
The welding process selector button P9 allows you to select the welding process you want to
use. You can select one of the following processes:
• normal MIG welding
• 1-MIG welding
• WiseThin (optional)
In normal MIG welding, the wire feed speed and welding voltage are adjusted separately.
Unlike the above, the 1-MIG and WiseThin processes are synergetic welding processes where
the welding voltage and other welding parameters are interconnected so that the welding
power and arc length are adjusted to attain optimal welding values.
The WiseThin process is an optional feature intended for welding automation. It must be
acquired separately and is therefore not available in all congurations.
2.2.8 Additional MIG features included in the standard delivery
The standard welding machine delivery includes three additional MIG features that facilitate
welding and improve weld quality. These additional features are creep start, hot start and
crater ll.
To use an additional MIG feature, press the feature selector button P10. Press the selector
button repeatedly to use one or several features. Only the additional features allowed for the
welding method you have chosen will be available.
Creep start
The purpose of the creep start feature is to make controlled weld start easier and smoothen
the initial stage of welding, for example when welding with high wire feed speeds. At the
beginning, the machine will use a slow wire feed speed until the wire touches the work piece
and the current starts owing.
Creep start is available for normal MIG welding and the synergetic 1-MIG welding.
Hot start
The purpose of hot start is to reduce start faults, for example when welding aluminium or
other materials with particularly good thermal conductivity. In this scenario, there is a xed
pre-gas time at the beginning of the welding, after which the welding power briey rises
above the specied power level. The power and time parameters for hot start can be specied
in the SETUP settings.
Hot start is available for synergetic 1-MIG welding.
Crater ll
The purpose of crater ll is to facilitate controlled nishing of welding and to reduce the
welding faults caused by the nal crater. When you press the welding gun trigger completely
down at the end of welding, the welding power is reduced to a preset crater ll level. To end
the crater ll stage, release the gun trigger. The crater ll parameters can be specied in the
SETUP settings.
Crater ll is available for synergetic 1-MIG welding.
KempArc SYN 300, 400, 500, DT 400 / © Kemppi Oy / 1117

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