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FastMig X 350MV
Err 4
Power source is overheated
• Do not shut down, let the fans cool the machine.
• Check ventilation.
• If cooling fans are not running, contact Kemppi service representative.
Err 5
Mains power supply voltage is too low or one of the phases is missing or auxiliary
supply is faulty
• Check the mains supply and auxiliary supply and contact Kemppi service
representative if necessary.
Err 8
FPGA is not congured
• Restart the power source.
• If the error persists, contact Kemppi service representative
Err 9
Loose cable connections
• Check the voltage sensing cable, measurement cable and earth return cable.
Err 10
Illegal process
• The welding process is not available in this machine.
Err 12
Plus and minus DIX cable connectors are in contact
Check welding cables
Err 27
Error in the liquid cooling unit
• Check the connections in the cooling unit.
Err 42 or Err 43
Over current in wire feeder motor
• Check that the welding gun and consumable parts are properly mounted
Err 45
Gas guard alert
• Check the shielding gas, gas guard and all connections.
Err 50
The function is not activated in this machine
• If you need this function, order a licence for it from a Kemppi representative.
• WiseDemo period might be over.
Err 51
Rear feed roll may be loose
• Check that the feed rolls are properly tightened.
Err 52
Front feed roll may be loose
• Check that the feed rolls are properly tightened
Err 62
Power source is not connected or not identied by the wire feeder
• Check the intermediate cable and its connections.
Err 81
Welding program is not found
• If you need the welding program, order a licence for it from Kemppi representative.
Machine cannot complete read or write functions on the wire feeder memory card
• Check the cables and connections.
• Contact Kemppi service representative.
Control panel cannot establish a connection to the CAN bus
• Check the at cables and the control panels.
• Contact Kemppi service representative.
Machine cannot read wire feeder memory lisence le
• Check the cables and connection.
• Contact Kemppi service representative.
NOTE! Many of these checks may be carried out by the operator. However certain checks relating to
mains power must be completed by an authorised trained electrician.
NOTE! In the case of an error code other than the listed above, contact Kemppi service

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