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FastMig X 350MV
Change PIN Code
Factory PIN code is 0000 Administrator pin code change.
OFF, StartUp, Menu Factory setting is OFF PIN code inquiry selection
OFF: No PIN code inquiry.
StartUp: Control panel X 37 always asks for
the PIN code when the machine is turned
on. Wire feeder panel XF 37 (or XF 38) is not
aected and always works without PIN.
Menu: Control panel X 37 asks for the PIN
code every time when MENU button is
pressed and when the display is in channel
info mode (in start-up view). PIN code
inquiry is made only once when entering
the menu. After that the menu button can
be pressed any time without PIN inquiry.
4.5 Arc voltage display
FastMig X 350MV is capable of measuring and showing the voltage close to the welding arc.
By taking this feature into use you don't need to be concerned about the voltage losses in
welding cables anymore. With this feature you are only required to set the voltage for the arc
before welding and after welding you can see the voltage close to the arc.
In order to use the arc voltage feature, follow these steps:
1. After setting up the welding equipment for the rst time, connect the voltage sensing
cable to the welding piece and the measurement cable between the wire feeder and the
power source.
2. If you are using a sub-feeder, enter the length of the sub-feeder to the SubFeederLength
3. Set the welding parameters according to your application. Note that the set voltage
when using 1-MIG, MIG and WiseThin+ welding processes means always the voltage in
the arc despite of ArcVoltage setting.
4. Weld with 1-MIG, MIG or with Pulse MIG for at least 5 seconds. During that time the
welding machine calibrates itself for the welding cable length in question. Calibration
values are stored into the welding machine, therefore this calibration is required only
once after installing the welding machine package.
5. If you want to see arc voltage in panels during and after welding, turn the ArcVoltage
setting to ON. Dot after voltage value in XF 37 or XF 38 panel means that showed value is
arc voltage. In the weld data after welding in X 37 panel 'AVol' means also the arc voltage.
6. Voltage sensing cable can be removed after the calibration procedure, but it is
recommended to use it always.
NOTE! Steps 1-3 should be repeated every time, when the length of the welding or grounding cable
is changed.
4.6 Welding software delivery prole
Connected to Kemppi's WFX wire feed unit, FastMig X 350MV power source makes a very
ecient, multi-process welding system.
After delivery and installation, your system will include welding software specied at the point
of order.
If your welding needs change and you wish to update your FastMig X 350MV system in the
future, you can order additional welding programs or Wise™ and Match™ welding software
and load them to your system with Kemppi DataGun eld programming device.
See further information about the available welding programs, modied processes, Match™
functions and special enhanced arc performance solutions in the wire feeder's operating
manual or on Kemppi's web site at www.kemppi.com.
More welding programs are available by purchasing MatchCurve and MatchCustom products.

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